Tuesday, December 30, 2008

2009: Plastic Surgery Gets a Dose of Reality (television that is)

If you're a sucker for reality TV (like me), then VH1 is the channel to watch in January. With the premier of shows like Charm School Reunion Show, I Love Money 2, Rock of Love Bus, and Celebrity Rehab's Sober House, what's not to love? It isn't just the cat fights and love triangles that keep me glued; some of VH1's reality stars may have gone under the knife and keep me guessing.

Speaking of cat fights, Megan Hauserman from Rock of Love 2, I Love Money and Rock of Love Charm School is allegedly manipulative enough to provoke the Prince of Darkness' wife, Sharon Osbourne, into having a fight on national television. We'll have to wait and see on the (you guessed it) Rock of Love Charm School Reunion Show set to air in the beginning of January. (Read full story here). What's next--Rock of Love: The Golden Years? (Believe me, I would probably get hooked on that show too!) Megan Hauserman is not only the Rock of Love villain, and a Playboy model, but may also be the proud owner of breast implants (though nothing can be confirmed). Keep your eye on the blonde bombshell, as rumors report that casting has begun for Megan's looking-for-love reality show Trophy Wife.

You may have seen her on Real Chance of Love, and you will see her again in January on I Love Money 2. California-based make-up artist Chrstine, better known as Cali, may have undergone plastic surgery. It appears as though she may have had a breast augmentation and may have had a dermal filler like Juvederm injected into her lips to give them a fuller appearance. Look for her as Real Chance of Love wraps up next week and I Love Money 2 begins in January.

Poison front-man, Bret Michaels is looking for love yet again in Rock of Love Bus. Taking his show on the road isn't the only fresh twist--perhaps Mr. Michaels has undergone some cosmetic procedures. At forty-five years of age, Bret's face looks very firm and youthful. It could be the result of a great make-up artist and impeccable airbrushing but these features may indicate that Bret has had injectables like Juvederm or Restylane to fill lines, and may have had Botox injected into his crow's feet and glabella (space between the eyebrows) to keep him looking smooth. Good luck, Bret--hopefully this third time will be a charm.

You may know Mary Carey as the adult film star from Celebrity Rehab. Most know her as the adult film star that made headlines when she ran against Arnold Schwarzenegger in the race to become the governor of California. Though the Governator won California over, Mary Carey continues to make headlines as she puts her recently removed breast implants, up for auction on Ebay. According to Reuters she plans on donating 90% of the proceeds to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. Catch her January 15, 2009 in Celebrity Rehab's Sober House.

Have a fantastic New Year and enjoy the shows!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

What Would Whitney Do?

On April 5, 2008, not only did many celebrities come out to support Muhammad Ali's Celebrity Fight Night XIV, but so did Whitney's new girls. In case you didn't know, Celebrity Fight Night is recognized as one of the nation's elite charity events and is a star-studded evening presented in honor of the featured guest, Muhammad Ali. Celebrities and professional athletes from all over the country participate in a night filled with incredible live auction items and musical performances by many of today's brightest stars. Whitney Houston was spotted in a beautiful red gown that was low cut, showing off her newest assets. It looks like she has had breast augmentation and looking at their somewhat unnatural, round appearance from the photos, perhaps placed over the muscle.

According to Makemeheal.com , Whitney�s breasts appear very "full and round" for a middle-aged woman, and are also a bit large for her small frame.
Somewhere between making her rather modest appearance in the 1980�s to the present, Whitney Houston appears to have upgraded with implants!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Brooke Burke's Secret to a Flat Stomach After Childbirth

Brooke Burke - she is the proud mother of four children, Dancing With the Stars champion, ex-wife of Beverly Hills plastic surgery and confident woman who bears her flat stomach after childbirth. Could it be genetics? plastic surgery? Baboosh baby? Luck? A great trainer?

It doesn't appear that she has undergone a tummy tuck, but she sure does look amazing for having 4 kids!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

The real FACEOFF, in hopes to help a person face the world with a brighter smile

Reported this past week a severely disfigured woman underwent the first near-total face transplant in the United States, the fourth in the world. Facial transplants have only been performed in France and China in the past three years. This facial surgery took 22 hours to complete and was performed by a team of 8 surgeons about 2 weeks ago at the Cleveland Clinic. We are pleased to see that the lead surgeon is a female plastic surgeon, Dr. Maria Siemionow, who has been organizing and researching this day for years prior to the operation (pictured in the middle in the photo above in surgical loupes). The patient was severely disfigured as the middle of her face was deformed, also missing her right eye and upper jaw. This woman could not taste nor smell and also had some trouble speaking. This woman is currently being treated at the Cleveland Clinic, recovering from having 80% of her face transplanted. This woman received upper jaw, nose, and facial tissue from a female cadaver, as her forehead and chin were left intact. " In this transplant, tissue from the donor's face was shaped and fitted into position. Multiple layers of tissue, bone, muscles and blood vessels, nerve grafts and each artery and vein were connected." So far, the patient is said to be doing well in recovery and showing no signs of rejecting the donor's tissue (the patient's name and age remain confidential for now as she is closely monitored by her team of doctors).
We wish the best for this patient and her family as she recovers.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Is It Just GQ or Is Jennifer Aniston Getting Hotter?

Jennifer Aniston takes the stage this month on the soon-to-be released December issue of GQ Magazine, and we are so jealous! She is looking incredible, with the headline on the cover begging the question, "Is it just us or is Jennifer Aniston getting hotter?".

Aniston notably has stayed above the fray despite the whirlwind of commentary that constantly surrounds her in the Jolie-Pitt love triangle. In an interview with EntertainmentWeekly.com Aniston recently complained a bit about her Vogue cover that hyped her Angelina Jolie "uncool" comments..(but I picked that article up and read it rather quickly, didn't you?), and on Jolie's outspoken revelation that she and Pitt fell in love on the set of Mr. and Mrs. Smith she said, "Considering the source, nothing surprises me."

It seems Aniston is the perfect example of a celebrity who has taken great care of herself and gotten a few fairly inconspicuous things done along an appropriately thought out timeline to enhance her appearance. A well-done septorhinoplasty, perhaps some Botox and Juvederm or Restylane lip filler, even a cellulite treatment like Velashape or possibly even some Smartlipo for quick results with little downtime. Of course, diet and exercise are obviously in the mix for her staying looking so attractive on the backside of thirty. And good genes. Kudos to her.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Lisa Rinna Confesses

Lisa Rinna has recently admitted to overdoing it a tad bit. This "Dancing with the Stars" alum has gained street cred from the media having confessed to not liking the outcome of a popular filler, Juvederm, after having it injected into her cheeks. �My coming out and saying that I�d done too much in my cheeks � everybody came up to me and was really supportive and said, �good for you for being honest.�� Lisa told OK! �What happens is when you get older, you feel like you need it but you don�t really need it,� Lisa sighed.

Lisa along with many other stars are under constant scrutiny and pressure to compete with younger, beautiful starlets, so it's hard for them not to turn to cosmetic procedures (but those younger starlets will get older too.. just wait!). She has likely had other work done as well such as a breast augmentation and Botox to help her with her fine lines. Most of all, whatever diet and exercise regimen she's on is working; her body is amazing!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Brittany Murphy's (possible?) Plastic Surgery

Brittany Murphy, 31, has been rumored to have had a few plastic surgery procedures during her time in the spotlight. Some people believe that Brittany may have had breast augmentation during her career, as some pictures do show a rounder, more filled out chest on Brittany, however, this could just be the result of a REALLY good bra.(Source:starsplasticsurgery). It is also rumored that Brittany has had lip augmentation due to various pictures showing her having plumper lips than ever before, with a noticebly more filled out and prominent vermillion border (the linear border of the upper lip). Recently, pictures of Brittany Murphy allow us to believe that she may have had a rhinoplasty. Although Brittany never had a prominent dorsal bump or large nose, her nose appears to be narrower in the mid-vault (the middle third) than it used to be. As Makemeheal.com stated, �Brittany�s nose appears to have slimmed down on both sides. The bridge of Brittany�s nose appears straighter and more defined."

Yes indeed, Brittany's appearance has changed from her younger cherubic self into a beautiful woman-- we don't think she needs anymore!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Classic Beauties With a Modern Twist

These days, it seems as though people cannot get enough of celebrities! Though the paparazzi madness has recently reached great heights, celebrity worship is really nothing new. Sophia Loren and Raquel Welch are celebrity icons of a past era, but still remain to look fabulous today.

Sophia Loren was born in 1934 in Italy, but quickly became an international sex symbol. These days, it appears as though Ms. Loren may have undergone a rhytidectomy, or face lift, as her hairline is set further back than when she was younger.

Even if you are too young to truly recall Raquel Welch in her prime, most remember her posing in a loin cloth in 1966's One Million B.C. Today at the age of 68, she continues to look as gorgeous as ever! She may also have undergone a facelift to keep her face looking youthful.

Both Sophia Loren and Raquel Welch may have had injectables like Botox or Juvederm to try to remedy wrinkles and fine lines.

No matter what these celebs may have, they continue to look fabulous. Though it has been years since either one of them posed in loin cloth, they will always be remembered as celebrity icons.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Did Demi Moore Spend 3 Mil on Plastic Surgery?

Ms. Demi Moore (44) is rumored to have had 3 million dollars worth of surgery. According to Make Me Heal, it is speculated that she has had various procedures such as liposuction, breast augmentation, revisional breast augmentation and lift, a brow lift, collagen fillers, Botox, a chemical peel, and veneers. Our take on the situation is that it would be difficult to spend $3 million on plastic surgery, even if you lived in a place where surgery fees are set a bit higher than other areas of the country like Manhattan or LA. Surgery fees are set by surgeons and are usually based upon averages for a geographic region; given the spirit of economics and competition, not any one surgeon can charge an outrageously higher amount than what his or her competitors are charging for similar procedures using similar techniques; no one would go to him! Also, to spend $3 million on cosmetic surgery you would be having to get an operation almost every month, year after year after year...it's just not humanly possible.

Along with her cosmetic upkeep she is said to have a nutritionist, personal trainer, yoga instructor and kick-boxing champion. If you look at her pictures as a teen and young adult, her well- defined facial features have not changed much.

She is a good example how a few select cosmetic procedures and a healthy lifestyle can make you look younger and not like the cat lady! She is very beautiful and whatever she decides to do for maintenance is definitely working for her.....she married Ashton Kutcher, a wild boy 16 years her junior!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Silicone Implant Saves Woman's Life

This story is amazing! Denise, an experience fisher, was stabbed by a blue marlin's bill while fishing with a friend. A marlin, hooked by her friend, came out of the water and stabbed her in the arm, through her silicone breast implant and into her chest. She survived the incident, but had to have her implant removed and replaced because it had been forced through her ribcage into her chest. Doctors say the marlin's bill may have punctured her lung had she not had breast implants.

Watch the video!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Jamie Lynn Spears rumored to have liposuction during pregnancy..

According to yeeeah.com and makemeheal.com the younger sister of famous Britney Spears reportedly underwent a liposuction procedure to battle her perceived weight gain.
She didn�t know she was pregnant when she filled out the health questionnaire prior to the procedure,� a source reveald. �Her mom approved the injections and went through tons of red tape to get the clinic to administer them to an underage patient.�

Moms-to-be are advised against this procedure and most other elective, cosmetic treatments during the gestation period. I don't know if I necessarily believe this story, but the take-home message can be to eat a well-balanced diet, exercise at least 3 to 4 times per week for at least 20 minutes, and get a pregnancy test before getting any invasive surgical procedure done if you suspect you may be pregnant! (Not to worry, most institutions require it as a part of pre-operative testing). Thanks EPS.

Be safe, and have a good weekend everyone!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Celebs are Celebrating Their Health

Webster's dictionary defines "celebrity" as "a famous or celebrated person". Though many stars are celebrated for their beauty, it may be the vast array of health problems that accompany obesity that have some celebs getting noticed after turning to bariatric or weight-loss surgery. Obesity increases the risk of Type 2 Diabetes, heart disease, and degenerative joint disease.

There are various bariatric procedures, all of which are usually effective for weight loss. Though many patients achieve their weight loss goal, it is sometimes necessary to undergo aesthetic surgery following a bariatric procedure. When the weight is gone, excess skin is often left behind on various parts of the body.

An abdominoplasty can be performed to remove excess skin surrounding the stomach. A more-encompassing procedure, a belt lipectomy, works to remedy excess skin surrounding the abdomen, hips, thighs, and buttocks. Still some patients require a brachioplasty, to remove excess skin from the upper arms.

Celebs who may have undergone aesthetic procedures following their bariatric surgery include Star Jones, Carnie Wilson, Roseanne Barr, Randy Jackson, and Al Roker. Before considering any surgical procedure or weight loss plan, it is important to consult with licensed physician.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Mumbai is Beautiful

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the people of Mumbai, India as they deal with this tragic attack on their city and country. The Indian people are known for their peaceful nature and overall welcoming culture. I traveled there in January 2008 as an invited lecturer and visiting surgeon for the Third International Tutorials in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. At the hospital where I operated and at the symposium found the Indian medical staff to be very generous and kind; I learned from them as much as they learned from their visitors from around the world.

These acts of terrorism waged against India and the Westerners visiting there underscore a complicated global problem that does not differentiate between race, creed, religion, or peacefulness of culture, and strives to destroy the things we value most: democracy, peace, freedom of speech, thought and capitalism. The attackers have no respect for human life. Everyone in the world needs to stand up against this form of evil, including we New Yorkers who experienced it firsthand with 9/11 and did not take it sitting down.

Pictured above is the sign on the entry into the Bombay Hospital in Mumbai (with a quote by spiritual leader of non-violence, Mahatma Gandhi ) where I had the privilege of performing surgery, and myself in the operating room with one of the Sisters (the Indian term for nurse). Please go to the website Mumbai Help for more information on how to help these wonderful people.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Brit Sets the Record Straight

Though it is rumored that the Queen of all Pop-tarts, Britney Spears, has had a rhinoplasty in the past, it is not her nose, or outlandish media antics that are making the news recently. Despite Britney's recent rocky road, which was almost completely documented by the media and tabloids, things are starting to straighten out for her.

December 2, 2008 is not only the star's twenty-seventh birthday, which she will celebrate on Good Morning America, but it is also the release date of her much anticipated, appropriately named album, Circus. It seems as though Britney Spears has been the center of the media circus since she hit the scene in 1998 with "Hit Me Baby One More Time", but she will finally set the record straight on November 30, 2008. Britney
will release the 90-minute documentary she teamed up with MTV to make, entitled "For The Record". (Read the MTV story here). Britney Spears has long since been on the road to reputation-recovery and does not plan to slow down anytime soon. This is the comeback we've all been waiting for! We still love you, Brit!

Kathy Hilton knows how to keep a secret

Wife of Rick Hilton, partial heir to the Hilton hotel chain, and mother of famous daughters Paris Hilton and Nicky Hilton, Kathy has had her fair share in the spotlight. This 49 year old hottie for a mommy looks great for her age but could it be all natural? Nothing wrong there, most women her age would die to look as good as she does!

Her face is smooth and lacking wrinkles indicating she could have had Botox injections as well as dermal fillers to fill in the creases. Who knows, she may have even had a face lift or blepharoplasty as well to give her the well-rested appearance that she has. Her appearance does not necessarily match her age and this could also just be due to good genes; Kudos to you Kathy!
This last photo was taken in the 90's and from the other more recent pictures taken of Kathy, a decade later, she seems to have a similar youthful appearance.

Happy early turkey day people!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Jessica Simpson's Lip Inflation

With the release of her country album, Jessica Simpson, 28, looks like she has gotten a little lip boost. Back in 2007 she admitted to trying Restylane to try to get a fuller pout, and according to MakeMeHeal.com it looks like she has again experimented with fillers. Although she has not confirmed getting fillers again, recent pictures look like she may have gotten some injected into both her upper and lower lips. The picture to the right is of Simpson taken back in 2000 for InStyle magazine. Ladies and gentlemen, I do not think this is all the result of plumping lipstick and lipgloss! If it is Restlyane or Juvederm, both hyaluronic acid fillers which are non-permanent and made from a naturally derived material found in the body, you will probably just see it fade over time just like the last time she did it. Most lip fillers like these get resorbed by the body over a period of 4 to 6 months after they are injected.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Ashlee Simpson: Texas Beauty and a Baby Boy with a Cool Name

Congratulations to Ashlee Simpson and Pete Wentz who recently welcomed their first child,
son Bronx Mowgli, into the world last week (Source: EOnline). The 24 year-old singer who married Pete in May gave birth to Bronx on Thursday at LA's Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. Ashlee is best known as a young starlet who garnered her own career quite well in the shadow of her older sister, Jessica. Ashlee became increasingly well known after undergoing somewhat of a physical transformation including a rhinoplasty, possibly a genioplasty (chin reduction), and lip soft tissue fillers.

The excellent results obtained were said to be the handiwork of well-known ENT surgeon Raj Kanodia in LA who is said to have also performed surgery on the likes of Ashley Tisdale, Cameron Diaz, and Jennifer Aniston.

We like native Texan Ashlee's choice of name for her baby with its reference to New York-- his first name is Bronx (cool), and his middle name a reference to the man-cub Mowgli in the classic Disney cartoon that we all grew up on, The Jungle Book.

Posted by Caroline and Meagan J. for Dr. W!

Friday, November 21, 2008


Perhaps with the help of a brow lift, Botox and a rhinoplasty she has obtained the arched brows, wrinkle-free skin and chiseled nose?? Back in 2007 Fergie criticized UsWeekly Magazine for suggesting she may have undergone plastic surgery. She is quoted saying, "Fergie says, "One of those celebrity magazines says I've had a nose job and an eyebrow lift, which is completely untrue. Personally, I see a therapist. It's hard, it hurts my feelings. I call my hypnotherapist and cry and let it go. That's what I do (to cope). I think that they nitpick these days so much and it's just got to the point where it's ridiculous."
I got problems up to here,
I got people in my ear,
telling me these crazy things that I don't wanna know,
I got money in the bank and I'd really like to thank,
all them fans I'd like thank, thank you really though
Perhaps Fergie wants to thank all them fans for funding her plastic surgery!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Plastic Surgery: An International Sensation

Cosmetic surgery practices have reached every corner of the earth, including but not limited to the U.S., Brazil, Asia, Europe, and now-- India. Bollywood sensation Koena Mitra, though it cannot be confirmed, may have had a little work. Her first big break was during a Gladrgs Modeling Contest in 2002, and when she became a semi-finalist in the Miss Intercontinental competition. Since then Koena has starred in movies, commercials, and advertisements and has become an iconic celebrity in India. (Read her bio at chakpak.com).

What some may (or may not) have noticed is Koena's altered appearance since she first hit the Bollywood scene. Looking at the second picture listed below, it is clear Koena is wearing colored contact lenses, and may have undergone a rhinoplasty to reduce the size of her nose and refine the tip (she has a bit of alar collapse if you look closely). She also looks like she has permanent make-up tattooed on her face, including her eyebrows. She may have also had a filler like Juvederm or Restylane injected into her lips to make them appear fuller, and possibly even breast augmentation. She looked gorgeous in the first picture and probably didn't need a thing, but no matter what she's done, she remains an exotic beauty.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Could The Hottest Dad Have Had Some Help???

There is no doubt in anyone's mind that Brad Pitt (43), is one sexy father and philanthropist! And combined with Angelina Jolie and kids, they make one attractive family. However, there have been recent photographs that show the effects of raising a family of six taking its toll on his face. But I guess it could be chalked up to bad lighting and camera angle (everybody is entitled to a bad day ever once in a while!). Star magazine interviewed our beloved Dr. Jennifer Walden about the speculated use of injectables. She is quoted as saying "Before, Brad's skin was ruddy, a result of aging from stress and sun exposure, ..his skin is shinier and there are fewer wrinkles on his face, which indicates he may have had a resurfacing procedure, like a laser called Fraxel or a chemical peel. It also looks like he's had soft-tissue fillers, like Restylane or Juv�derm, injected into his wrinkles." Well whatever it its he is doing, keep doing it Brad! Angelina and the rest of the world is gonna love you for it.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Gossip Girl spills the beans again...

Gossip Girl's, Kelly Rutherford, unlike other stars, isn't afraid to admit that she's tried Botox. The beautiful, 39 year-old actress admitted to People.com stating,"I think it's beautiful that people are sharing," said Rutherford, noting that women should be honest about everything from childbirth to beauty secrets. "We sit around at lunch and ask each other [questions], so why not say we had postpartum, giving birth is hell but the children are amazing � and I get Botox." She added, "I think there's a certain age that if you like having it, go for it."

She admits to trying Botox once before she got pregnant with her son Hermes, as for whether she plans on getting more Botox in the future, Rutherford said she's avoiding the needle for now. "I decided I wasn't going to do it all again until I've had two kids and finished nursing them. Then it's a free for all." Kelly Rutherford looks great! I cant believe she's only tried it 'once' but, whatever shes doing, she should keep it up!

Happy Birthday Dr.Walden!!