Madonna, the �queen of reinvention� has done it again, but this time to her face. Spotted at Vanity Fair�s post-Oscar party, Madonna has received quite a response to her incredibly youthful appearance. According to ABC News, specialists speculate that she underwent several procedures to achieve this look. Dr. Suzan Obagi, director of the University of Pittsburgh's Cosmetic Surgery and Skin Health Center, suspects she had a facial treatment just days before the big night, "It looks like she had a sapphire abrasion or a vibra facial. These are procedures in which the skin is exfoliated and a serum is applied." Photographs of Madonna two days before Osca

r night with shiny, salmon-colored skin support her suspicion, as this look is likely the result of removing a layer of skin. However, Dr. Bruce Katz, director of Mt. Sinai School of Medicine's Juva Skin and Laser Clinic, argued that Madonna�s fresh look may actually be the result of a new laser procedure called fractional resurfacing which, like a facial treatment, tightens skin and lessens the appearance of wrinkles and pores. He goes on to say, "Her skin looks great -- no sunspots, it's supple, not tight, so it doesn't have that pulled look, which is indicative of a facial treatment as opposed to surgery."
Both specialists agree that Botox also played a hand in Madonna�s recent flawless complexion. Her arched brows and the smoothness between her brows are tell-tale signs of the popular procedure. Obagi went on to add, "She has also had Botox of the 'bunny lines' -- the lines that are created on the side of the nose." While derma-fillers will last up to 6 months, laser results could last several years. Whatever her tricks may be, we applaud Madonna for her beautiful maintenance and wish her all the best for what are sure to be many successful years to come.