Friday, October 30, 2009

Courtney and the Cat Lady

I was once again over at swear I do get work done around here....but don't tell Dr. Walden! ;) Anyway, it is never a surprise to see Jocelyn Wildenstein in the press in regards to her interesting choices in plastic surgery. For those of you who are not familiar with Ms. Wildenstein, she is a New York celebrity that is famous for attempting to change her facial features to look more "cat like". It is really amazing when you look at pictures how much she does actually look like a cat! Although I must say.....I saw some pictures of her recently and it appeared that she went under the knife to revise some of her earlier surgeries....but I digress. So, apparently rock star, Courtney Love, recently met Ms. Wildenstein and was shocked by the appearance of her face. She was so taken back that she made a statement that she is off of plastic surgery for good. Courtney is no stranger to plastic surgery and is rumored to have undergone rhinoplasty, face lift, breast augmentation/lift, liposuction, and fillers to her face and lips. The rocker was quoted saying, "I could do with another boob lift, but no way," Court explains. "I don't want to end up looking like her. She looked freaky."

I personally don't think that was the most tactful way to express her feeling on the issue, but I think the sentiment raises a great question.....when is it too much, or is it even possible to do to much? Obviously, plastic surgery is a very personal decision and if you are happy with the end result that is the most important. In the same breath I feel like it is EXTREMELY important to find a board certified plastic surgeon that has good eyes and good hands for that matter. Ask if they have before and after photos of their previous patients, so you have an idea of their work. Make sure you decide on a doctor you trust and that listens.....because in the end you have to spend everyday in your body and you want to love it! That is the whole point after all. :) It is also important to listen to what your surgeon suggests.....this is what they do 24/7 and their medical opinion is essential to getting a great outcome. So, let's keep plastic surgery in the context of enhancing what we have, not making us into something different!

Happy Friday!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Beauty in Age

Last night I was watching the latest episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm , and if you've been keeping up with the show, you'd know that Larry David(co-creator and producer of Curb Your Enthusiasm and Seinfeld) is creating a reunion show with the cast of Seinfeld. Being a huge fan, I couldn't help but notice how Julia Louis-Dreyfus (Elaine Benes) looks so amazing. At the age of 48 and after giving birth to two children, her body still looks fit and her face still looks as beautiful and youthful as ever.Although Dreyfus denies going under the knife, it appears that she may be getting botox injections due to the smoothness of her skin as it appears that she looks younger than when we saw her on Seinfeld. Some rumors say that Julia may have gotten a rhinoplasty and minor facelift, but none are noticeable. Regardless of what she may or may not be doing to keep up her gorgeous appearance, Julia looks fantastic and doesn't rule out the idea of plastic surgery in the future, Julia told one source, " Of course if things start to fall, I may have to do something to pull it all up," says Julia with a laugh. "But seriously, the whole idea scares me. My mom never had it done and she looks fantastic. Hopefully I'll follow in her footsteps. I don't judge anyone who's had plastic surgery, but I don't see it in my future." (Source:find)Julia credits her fabulous body and beautiful appearance to her good genes,steady workout and diet-Keep it up!
(FYI Picture of the April09 Issue of Shape!)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Does beautiful outside make beautiful inside?

There is no doubt what a good plastic surgeon can do. Plastic surgery can truly be a life changing experience for those who have struggled with certain features that were not quite what they would have liked if they could have picked what they wanted. Thanks to the amazing talents of plastic surgeons today almost anything can be made better and help you feel better about your self. This kind of confidence can go a long way. In the case of Heidi Montag one has to ask if outer beauty really translates into inner beauty? In my humble opinion I would have to say no. You are either a beautiful person inside to begin with and tweaking some of what god gave you will only enhance that beauty. Plastic surgery can do a lot of great things but alas it cannot change the person you really are inside. It can give you confidence that will reflect in the way you smile or carry yourself but it will not make you a kinder more compassionate person. These are innate qualities that one is born with so you either have it or you don't. For now we will just have to accept the limitations of what we can achieve through surgery and hope that along with these beautiful changes each person will try to be a better person with the new gifts they have been given.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Plastic Surgery Textbook Goes Online!

With over 10 million people in the United States having had cosmetic procedures in 2008 (an 11.8 billion dollar industry), cosmetic surgery is a booming business in a struggling economy (Statistics source: ASAPS). What better time is there to learn about a fascinating field that often captures the attention of mainstream America and the media alike? Click on the above video to see the news story on the Plastic Surgery Channel.

Introducing Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, edited by Dr. Sherrell J. Aston, Dr. Douglas S. Steinbrech, and Dr. Jennifer Walden, the world�s first single volume comprehensive textbook on contemporary aesthetic plastic surgery. Published and released recently by the esteemed scientific publishing house Elsevier, this textbook brings to the table the masterful expertise needed to achieve breathtaking outcomes for every cosmetic surgery procedure, including the MACS lift, endoscopic mid- and lower face rejuvenation, lid/cheek blending along the tear trough, cohesive gel breast augmentation, lipoabdominoplasty, injectables such as Botox, Radiesse, Restylane, Sculptra, nonsurgical ultrasonic fat reduction, suture suspension threadlifts, and many more.
A �who�s who� of international authorities in plastic surgery explain their signature techniques, giving all the know-how today�s highly trained and skilled plastic surgeon needs to deliver the exceptional results that patients demand. Operative videos on DVD demonstrate these techniques being performed in real time and Expert Consult online access enables one to reference the text, download images, and watch the videos from any computer.
Key Features
� Coverage of hot topics includes MACS lift, endoscopic mid and lower face rejuvenation, lid/cheek blending along the tear trough, the newest rhinoplasty techniques, cohesive gel breast augmentation, fat grafting techniques, details of the latest injectables and fillers, and many other highly sought-after procedures.
� Operative videos - on DVD and online - let you see how leading experts perform more than 50 important techniques, including extended SMAS face lift, traditional inverted-T breast augmentation, and lipoabdominoplasty.
� Nearly 1600 full-color photographs and illustrations demonstrate what to look for and what results you will achieve.
� A consistent, extremely user-friendly organization guides you through history, evaluation, anatomy, technical steps, post-operative care, complications, and pearls and pitfalls for each procedure - giving you all the advice you need to make informed, effective decisions and avoid complications and disappointing results.
� Expert Consult online access allows you to reference the complete contents, perform rapid searches, download the images, and watch the operative videos from any computer.
This important textbook will be referenced for years to come, and updated as new technical information becomes available. Dr. Sherrell Aston, Dr. Doug Steinbrech, and Dr. Jennifer Walden are plastic surgeons in New York, New York specializing in cosmetic plastic surgery. For more information, visit us online at

Friday, October 23, 2009

Naomi Still "Flaunting" Fresh Face

I was over at checking out what the celebs have been up to this week when I came across this blog entry about Naomi Campbell. The supermodel can be seen on the cover of the newest issue of Flaunt magazine. There is no doubting that Naomi is one of those people who is extremely beautifully blessed. As I was looking at the cover photo I couldn't stop thinking....THIS WOMAN IS WELL INTO HER 40'S.....not that 40 is old, but she always looks exactly like she did in the 80's and 90's. Ms. Campbell is no stranger to plastic surgery, with rumors of liposuction, breast augmentation, and possible rhinoplasty. She has also been very vocal about how important her skin care regimen is to keeping her skin looking youthful and healthy. I have read articles in the past where she was quoted to have spent thousands of dollars on jars of face cream. I mean it is like this woman has found the fountain of youth!! I am sure it did not come cheap either......just sayin'!! It appears she also uses injectables to keep her face looking smooth and wrinkle free. Just another example that when you have a talented and trained physician, injectables can be a woman's (or man's for that matter) best beauty tool!!!

It is amazing that in an industry where 30 is considered ancient, that this beauty is still going strong! I LOVE THAT!!! Whatever she has or hasn't had done seems a moot point.....I think she is simply gorgeous at any age. I can't wait to see her on the glossy pages of magazines and runways for years to come!!


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Taking a Look at European Goodwill

As awfulplasticsurgery said, "Europe has their own Phoebe Price," and her name is Hofit Golan.  Apparently Golan is a socialite in Europe and commonly found on the red carpet.  She appears to have had breast implants placed in a subglandular location (over the muscle) and it seem that they overly sized for her chest wall. Sometimes implants get this look if they get fibrous capsular contracture, which is scar tissue that can form around breast implants as a bodily response. In significant cases, it can become distorting and cause the implants to look too high or too wide apart, as may be the case for Hofit.

Interesting how she wears very low-cut dresses to take the attention there! We only wish it looked more natural, but to each twins their own!

Friday, October 16, 2009

They Whipped it Real Good!!

No, I am not talking about Devo's 80's smash hit.....I am talking about Drew Barrymore's directorial debut movie Whip It!. If you haven't seen it yet go out this weekend and check it out. I went to see the movie last weekend and I just loved it. Sometimes it is just nice to go to the movies and shut off your brain.....a little fluff always does me a world of good! Anyway, besides the obvious comedy the film brings, I was so impressed how great this cast of women looked. I mean the majority of them are in their mid thirties to early forties.....which as we all know in Hollywood it might as well be 150! I completely enjoyed everyone's performance, but one really stood out from the rest. Juliette Lewis was fantastic! She plays a character by the name of "Iron Maven" and she is for lack of a better word the villan of the roller derby league. In the film she is also a little "past her prime" at the ripe old age of 36....again rolling my 33 year old eyes at Hollywood! ;) Besides her performance I noticed how great she looks for her age. She has definitely aged gracefully....aka....adding just enough help here and there to stay fresh faced. It appeared that she does use injectibles such as botox and maybe some dermal fillers as well. She sports some really crazy make up, but it seemed her "pout" was extra plump. In addition to her face her body looked AMAZING!! To be truthful....all the cast was in amazing shape!

All in all this is a heart warming tale about following your dreams however crazy they may be. A good life lesson for us all. Lesson or not I think I just enjoyed watching these 30 something hotties sweat and kick butt on their roller skates. So, if you don't have any plans for this is cold and wet here in the nearest theater!

Happy Friday!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Bunny Line Alert

The folks over at The New York Post have put their Botox Police on high alert and an article in yesterday's paper displays their latest celebrity "busts", outed by their 'bunny lines', aka 'Botox lines'. These lines, that are clearly marked in the above picture of Nicole Kidman taken from the article, got their names from how they look (similar to a bunny scrunching its nose) and common cause (Botox injections of surrounding muscles). When Botox is injected around the eyebrows (the Glabella complex in medical speak) and forehead it limits (and in all too many celebrities these days, completely haults) the movement of these muscles causing the neighboring muscles to overcompensate. The result are fine lines and wrinkles that develop around the nose causing those "in the know" to suspect Botox use. Luckily Botox is also the treatment to get rid of these lines. So the take home message here folks is to remember your 'Botox lines' at your next injection session. Is there anything Botox can't fix these days...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Miss Plastic Surgery: A Pageant for Surgically Enhanced Beauties

While watching the E! Channel the other day, I came across one news story that announced The winner for the first Miss Plastic Hungary 2009 pageant. According to the Huffington Post, " It was a night for unnatural beauties. Contestants showed off breast implants, nose jobs and face lifts as Miss Plastic Hungary 2009 strove to promote the benefits of plastic surgery in a country where artificial enhancements are viewed mostly with a wary eye." Despite Hungary's own economic crisis, the number of plastic surgeries has escalated in the past few years. Of course, in order to qualify for the pageant contestants needed to prove that they had plastic surgery, botox and injectables simply weren't what the judges were looking for. Unfortunately, one contestant was forced to leave the competition due to a torn ligament in her foot which happened while the judges were doing the breast examination stage of the competition! Alexandra Horvath tripped after this stage in the competition, one friend reported that, " She had not gotten used to the extra weight on top and her new hair extensions got in her eyes - she just lost her balance and tore a ligament in her foot badly.'' (Source:news) The Huffington Post also announced the winners in their story reporting, "Pageant queen Reka Urban, a 22-year-old hostess, won an apartment in Budapest, first runner-up Edina Kulcsar was given a new car and second runner-up Alexandra Horvath took home diamond jewelry worth 2 million forints ($10,800). The winners' plastic surgeons also received awards."

I find it interesting that even the winners' plastic surgeons received awards and it must have been even more rewarding knowing that others truly appreciated their work. This pageant was clearly aimed at trying to boost the acceptance of plastic surgery, however this idea isn't new. Back in 2004, China had its own artificial beauty pageant. BBC news reported that, "The idea for the contest took shape after a contestant was disqualified from a Chinese beauty pageant earlier this year because she had had plastic surgery."

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Time to Embrace the Once-Piece

When I came across this picture of Kelly Bensimon of 'Real Housewives of New York' my first thought was that she should call Tara Reid to get some advice on how to deal with having bad tummy liposuction results. Who can forget poor Tara having a breast augmentation and liposuction by a surgeon who was not a board certified plastic surgeon only to end up with a deformed figure, and endless public attention surrounding her body nightmare. I remember seeing Tara in a bikini around that time and thinking, "someone get this girls a once-piece!". That is how I'm feeling right now looking at this picture of Kelly in a string bikini. Her stomach has the obvious contour deformity (large dimples) that is indicative of poor liposuction work. What a shame! I know Kelly works out a lot and she by no means has a weight problem. Maybe she didn't even need the liposuction in the first place. She might want to consider having a second procedure to even out some of the dimpling and in the meantime there are some really cute one-piece suits out there these days...

Monday, October 5, 2009

Less is More

Kudos� to Ashley Simpson on her acting gig on the new �Melrose Place�. I think change is always good but in this image of Ashley at a recent event it would seem that not only did she loose the baby weight but she threw in some for good measure. We know that Ashley is no stranger to plastic surgery but now maybe she has become a little to friendly with Botox. I don�t know for sure but it really looks like they (Botox) and herself have spent a little too much time bonding. Her face and eyes appear a bit frozen. A "dear in the headlights" look. I don�t think that was what she was after so maybe she and �Botox� should be more of an acquaintance than bff�s. There is no doubt that she is a beautiful girl and the nose job suited her petite face quite well but in the future I think it would be best to remember less is more.

Until we meet again...