Questions are always being raised as to whether or not Jennifer Aniston has had "work" done. Lately people have questioned whether she's had lip augmentation with soft tissue fillers. As you can see in the photo, if she did it was actually done well and very conservatively along the upper border of the lip. Lip injectables are soft tissue fillers (usually Restylane or Juvederm these days, a naturally occuring hyaluronic acid which is not permanent, and very "forgiving" or soft). She may have just used a different lipliner and gloss to give her lips a little perk--also the shots are taken from different angles so that could have something to do with the mildly different look to her lips.
She looks awesome. Whatever she's having, I'll have some too. And she's got a cute boyfriend, too.
Check it out in Daily Mail (photo credit).
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