Thursday, October 30, 2008

Over 50 and still looking Fabulous

54-year old actress, Katey Sagal looks amazing for her age. Sagal has always had smooth skin and a strong facial structure which is likely due to botox treatments which keep hose wrinkles away. According to Make me heal,Sagal may have had some skin tightening, most likely a mid-facelift to keep her kin looking young, however it is more likely due to the work of a good make-up artist. Plastic Surgeon Dr Sherrell J. Aston told Make me Heal that, Some of the very recent pictures of Katey Sagal show a very clean neck and jawline and very clean cheeks suggesting and little facial tightening. However she has strong cheekbones and jawline anyway so it is possible to get fooled on photos with makeup.� Coming into old age, comes heavy eye lids and in some of the older photos taken of Sagal they tend to look a lot heavier and droopy, which may or may not be due to a conservative eyelid surgery. Dr. Aston said, �Her upper eyelids look a little less heavy but I cannot be sure she has had them done.� As far as Katey Sagal having had botox injectiong, Dr. Aston did agree that Katey may have had botox injections in her frown creases.
Whether of not Katey Sagal has undergone plastic surgery or botox treatments she still looks fabulous!
Source:Make Me Heal

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Personality Augmentations May Yield Undesirable Side Effects

Do you ever wish you could be more outgoing at parties? Or, more assertive at work? Do you often feel shy? A new type of elective treatment might be able to give you the personality of your dreams (and does not require a single incision)! It may sound like the newest pharmaceutical commercial, but some people are taking certain well-known prescription drugs in an attempt to make-over their personality-- but at what cost?

The term "cosmetic psychopharmacology" was first used by Peter Kramer MD, a psychiatrist at Brown University, in his book Listening to Prozac, published in 1993. In his book, Dr. Kramer describes a then-developing trend of prescribing anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medication to patients without severe mental illness. Those people who were not considered depressed, as outlines by the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, who took Prozac, became more mentally alert and assertive, and according to Dr. Kramer "had an improved sense of well-being".

Prozac is not the only "personality make-over" medication. According to, Paxil, another anti-depressant, had the ability to decrease shyness; Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) medication like Straterra can make an unaffected person more alert. This may be the new age alcohol, nicotine or caffeine, but we already know many of the potential harms of those substances-- so what of these prescription drugs?

"I understand the great temptation in that people imagine this is the 'quick fix'-- as in less pain, more gain," says New York psychoanalyst Gail Saltz, MD (read the full story at She goes on to say, 'The downside that people aren't made aware of is that some of these anxiety drugs are truly addictive-- meaning that people have to keep taking increased amounts to get the same feeling and they can't stop without going through withdrawal...Antidepressants aren't addictive...but they do flatten a lot of people...You don't
feel depressed, but you don't feel joyful either.'

According to Prozac's official site, some of the drugs side effects include nausea, problem with sleep, nervousness, weakness, loss of appetite, tremors, dry mouth, sweating and decreased sexual desire and/or satisfaction. While this drug, as with many others, have proven help those diagnosed with mental illness, only a physician and his or her patient can decide what is best to treat any particular condition. While this is an interesting topic, we believe that one should always be aware of the risks of these prescription drugs, and that anyone who takes them should undergo a licensed medical doctor's evaluation and proper diagnosis with a full explanation of risks, benefits, side effects and alternatives in treatment.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

From Dawson's Creek Girl-Next-Door to Broadway's New Fashionista

Recently Katie Holmes has gone from hanging out with Dawson to hanging out with Victoria Beckham in Paris! She's recently in New York starring in All My Sons. But Celebrity Plastic News not only reports that she has a new husband, a new daughter and a new wardrobe they speculate that she also has a new nose. She's always been very beautiful but by comparing picture s of her in the Dawson years and now you can see a major difference in her nose. She had a shorter rounded nose and tip and now it seems that she has a longer nose and a refined tip. These results can be accomplished through rhinoplasty in which the surgeon will refine the tip and osteotomy can be considered to narrow the width of the nose. But regardless of the procedures she has gotten done she has done it tastefully and the results speak for themselves.

Monday, October 27, 2008

The Onion - "Plastic Surgeon General Warns of Small Breasts Epidemic"

Does anyone read The Onion? It is hilarious!

BEVERLY HILLS, CA�According to a report released Monday by U.S. plastic surgeon general Dr. Louis T. Saddler, an alarming number of American women are suffering from dangerously small breasts.

The Office of the Plastic Surgeon General�headed by a presidential appointee tasked with monitoring the national aesthetic, alerting the public to any small flaws, and offering a wide range of affordable, noninvasive laser resurfacing options�first addressed the countrywide plague of undersized breasts in the mid-1980s by demanding that manufacturers of A- through C-cup bras place large warning labels on their products informing female consumers of the potential risk of having deficient bosoms. Since taking the position in 2001, Dr. Saddler has continued these education efforts, launching several ad campaigns and personally reaching out to women all across the nation.

"The undersized breasts problem in the United States has reached crisis level," Saddler said during a press conference held at the National Centers for Rhinoplasty and Microdermabrasion. "Unless they receive immediate cosmetic treatment, millions of women in this country will lose the attention of their male acquaintances completely, and some may never be able to land husbands or, if they are somehow already married, keep their husbands' interest."

Added Saddler, "I urge all Americans to educate themselves about the differences between silicone and saline, and contact my secretary Linda to set something up."

According to information found on the plastic surgeon general's website, there are several easily identifiable indications that a woman may be afflicted with Chronic Breast Deficiency, or CBD. These include the inability to fill out tight sweaters, as well as invisibility when in proximity to women who have large breasts. Females with this disorder may also experience a troubling absence of back pain.

Despite impressive advances in augmentation mammoplasty in recent years, breast smallness continues to be a scourge on the female population, in some part due to the difficulty many women have in recognizing the symptoms. According to Saddler, some can live with a severe chest deficiency for years without realizing that they have a problem.

"A woman who suspects that she may have this condition can verify it with an extremely quick, normally painless test," said Saddler, later adding that symptoms such as a fluid, natural movement of the bosom or any breast shape other than a perfectly round, rock-hard grapefruit should also serve as definitive warning signs. "It's as simple as consulting a trained professional such as a strip-club bouncer or licensed drywaller to assess your personal risk."

"I cannot stress enough how important it is for women who believe they already have large breasts to remember that they can almost always benefit from having even larger breasts," Saddler added.

Citing statistics showing that small breasts strike women of every age, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status, and that every region of the United States is uniformly affected with the exception of Southern California, the plastic surgeon general stressed that a nation of under-breasted women is "everyone's problem." In an attempt to reach out to as many citizens as possible, including those not directly afflicted, the Office of the Plastic Surgeon General has released a series of public service announcements that emphasize the important role men can play in helping to turn the tide of the epidemic.

"If your daughter, girlfriend, or secretary has small breasts, let her know that she should get the help she needs," Saddler says in one of the televised spots, standing before a diagram of Pamela Anderson. "Referring to under- endowed women's mammaries as 'mosquito bites' or likening a female's appearance to a diving board are just two of the many effective methods that can encourage those suffering from this unpleasant disorder to seek treatment."

The informative PSA also suggests several coping strategies that can allow small-breasted women to lead a relatively productive life while securing the funds necessary to have their disorder remedied. These include giggling at anything a man says, wearing shorter skirts, and engaging in empty promiscuity.

Although the plastic surgeon general's office has had a long-standing and fruitful partnership with the media to promote the image of a healthy, ample-chested lifestyle, Saddler said legislation may be the key to solving this crisis. Last week, Congress proposed a bill that would earmark $600 million to provide high schools nationwide with educational programs and literature.

"The younger a woman is when she realizes that she has this problem, the better off we'll all be," said Sen. Wayne Allard (R-CO), head of the recently formed Itty-Bitty Titty Senate Subcommittee. "Of course, we support all women receiving treatment for this disorder, regardless of how old they are."

"But after they hit 45 or so, really, what's the point?" added Allard, referring to a condition known as aging, which is cited by the plastic surgeon general as another worrisome but treatable issue currently affecting 100 percent of American women.

Several studies have found that the dreaded aging syndrome also affects men, but, in those cases, is known alternatively as "dignification" and is generally considered to be an asset rather than an impairment.

Source: The Onion

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Past, Present & Future of Breast Implants

Dr Jennifer Walden discusses the future of breast implants, fat injections and soft tissue fillers in the breasts. Skin firming creams like Rodial and Mamma Mio Boob tube are also covered as well as external breast enhancing devices like Brava.

read more | digg story

This is taken from article that I wrote for that talks about the history of silicone and saline breast implants as well as the future of breast augmentation, including anatomic shaped highly cohesive gel implants that are yet to be approved by the FDA. As I mention, these implants are widely available in Europe and have high rates of patient satisfaction. These teardrop shaped (often called "gummy bear") implants are textured and contain a highly crosslinked form of silicone to minimize the possibility of migration as well as upper pole collapse and folds in the implant shell. There are a matrix of different implants to choose from with varying width, height, and projection for the best patient fit, and are called Contour Profile Gel implants if by Mentor or Style 410 implants if made by Allergan Corporation. One of the only potential drawbacks is that they are a bit firmer, and don't lateralize like normal breast tissue does when you lie down. (see the above photos of Sarah with a style 410 implant on her chest on the left and a smooth round responsive gel implant on her chest on the right on the couch in our office). For more info click on the "read more" link above, and thanks for stopping by!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Daniel Craig's Plastic Surgery Experience

Daniel Craig sustained injuries while filming the latest Bond movie. According to Times Online, after accidentally being kicked by a co-star Daniel Craig received eight stitches to his face. He has been quoted saying, "It's a stupid inconvenience because we had to stop filming. But they gave me an excellent plastic surgeon." Well, let's hope so! It would be a pity to ruin such a handsome face!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Rosanne's Turnaround

Comedienne Rosanne Barr has admitted to having multiple plastic surgery procedures. She has even been speaking of plastic surgery abuse, and regrets doing the surgeries. In the early 1980�s. Rosanne became known for her stand up. Her stand up job eventually led to her own tv show named after her on ABC. While on the set, Rosanne fell in love with actor and comedian, Tom Arnold. In 1990 she left her then husband and married Arnold. Rosanne was unhappy in her marriage to Arnold and says she would have cosmetic surgery done just to get away from spending time with her husband. She says, �Every time I had a break I would have surgery. I think just to get away from him and then when I came back there�d be nurses in the house and I wouldn�t be alone with him.� Rosanne has reported to have had a rhinoplasty to correct her deviated septum, breast reduction, surgery on her chin, cheek implants, a facelift, liposuction, and a tummy tuck. The couple divorced after four years and Rosanne went back to stand up comedy in order to find herself again. Rosanne said, looking back, ��Now I realize that everyone has to get old and die, but it was still a very bad experience�.No one looks better after plastic surgery. Just pink and shiny. At the end of it, you look like an idiot.� Personally, I don�t think Rosanne looks like an idiot, she looks a lot better than her own portrayal from her show in the 1990�s. I think Rosanne has done a lot for herself and is doing well on her own now. �In early May 2007 it was announced that Roseanne would replace Rosie O Donnell as the co-host of 'The View' appearing with with Barbara Walters and Elisabeth Hasselbeck.� Source:MakemeHeal

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Beyonc�: Bootylicious Diva

Beyonc� Knowles is known not only known for her soulful voice, but for her "bootylicious" body. Today, People magazine reported that Beyonc� needed to gain 15 lbs. for her upcoming role as Etta James in
Cadillac Records. This is not the first time that the songstress' body has been in the news.

Beyonc�'s appearance has changed since her debut with the group Destiny's Child. Though nothing can be confirmed, Star Plastic Surgery rumored that the celebrity may have undergone a rhinoplasty, to refine the tip and bridge of her nose, and possibly had a breast augmentation. MakeMeHeal has also commented on whether or not the star has had liposuction to give her tummy a firm, and more chiseled appearance. It may be unlikely that Beyonc� has had liposuction, as she is young, and has already proved, through various movie roles, that she is a pro at sculpting her body. Keep up the good work, Beyonc�! Look for Beyonc�'s new movie release, Cadillac Records, later this year.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Celeb Plastic Surgery blog from your iPod or iPhone

Mobile Blogging from here.

Apple link

Technology is so cool... Now we can blog 4 u from our iPod or iphone!
Thanks for visiting Celebrity Plastic Surgery. The app is iBlogger if you are interested!

Courntey Cox a Friend to Botox

The talented actress, mother and wife Courteney Cox-Arquette (44) recently was on the cover of the November issue of Marie Claire and confessed to using Botox. The Friends star described Botox as both fantastic and horrible, not because of the pain but because of her career, "I mean, I'm an actor. I've got to be able to move my face. When people start messing with their foreheads and can't lift their eyebrows, that's weird". Courteney has always been an advocate for plastic surgery and injectibles. In a 2004 Harper's Bazaar interview she's quoted as saying "... plastic surgery is good in moderation. A lot of people are overdoing Botox, but I think everything in moderation is fine. If it looks natural and it makes you feel better, do it". Although she opted for getting Botox , she says that her husband David Arquette loves the aging process and "...thinks it's beautiful".

It's refreshing to see how candid she is about her Botox use, but there's other cosmetic rumors she never confirmed according to It's been speculated that she has had lip augmentation for her show Dirt which premiered in January 2008 on FX. Her upper lip does look a tad bit fuller which can be accomplished with Juvederm injections, collagen fillers or a really good make-up artist.Well whatever she has done more power to her for being truthful and looking good without overdoing it.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Zac Efron...Not a Day over 21!

Zac Efron recently turned 21!! (Source: The high school musical hottie has matured in his appearance over the past decade. A recent story on shows how Zac has really grown into his facial features, but may have had the help of the scalpel blade as well. He looks like he has undergone a nicely done rhinoplasty precisely timed before the height of his career.

In the photo you can tell that the bridge of his nose is slimmer with a bit more refinement and definition of the nasal tip. The angle of his jaw and overall facial architecture is sharper as well, this just a result of passing through teenagehood. He is one of those examples of a boy who looks so much better as a man.. (..and yes, no cougars found here!). Congratulations to Zac.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A 'Mommy Tuck' for Angie?

After the recent debut of Angelina Jolie's new movie, Changeling, directed by Clint Eastwood, rumors began to circulate that the mother of six, may have undergone an abdominoplasty. There is no doubt that Angelina Jolie looked absolutely stunning, after giving birth just three months ago, but was surgery the secret of her beauty? Star magazine quoted a Jolie-Pitt family insider, saying that Angelina preferred the term 'mommy tuck' instead of tummy tuck, but that Angelina did in fact undergo surgery.

Though Angelina Jolie has been out of the spotlight for the past three months, she most likely used this time to exercise and eat properly, in order to lose weight. (Let's not forget the great genes she was blessed with). Also, women also often lose weight after giving birth, due to breastfeeding. Either way, the happy mommy of six looks great, just released another movie, and remains on top of the world!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Christian Slater, too much Botox?

The 38 year-old actor, Christian Slater has now joined NBC�s new television Show, My Own Worst Enemy. Christian plays a suburban dad who learns who he really is, getting to know his alter ego which so happens to be a spy. As I was watching the premiere last night, I couldn�t help but notice Christian Slater�s forehead. Although he does have quite a large forehead/receding hairline, it�s hard not to notice his shiny and smooth forehead which has no wrinkles. I think he may have gone slightly overboard and is a victim of too much Botox! One article couldn�t help but question if Christian Slater had a face lift, Botox, or forehead implant. He doesn�t look like he�s had a forehead implant, but his appearance may simply be the result of having a receding hairline and getting older-- I highly doubt he�s had a face lift because his face doesn�t seem to be too tight and he doesn't need it.

ASAPS statistics show that the number of cosmetic procedures for men is up 17% since 2006, and I think it's becoming more common as societal acceptance increases for men to do so. Slater does not mind flaunting his Botoxed face, although there is no proof or any confirmation that he has had these treatments. I do however, think that he should think about going a little more conservatively if he gets future treatments in order give him less of a �fake� look. Anterior hairline hair transplants may also be in the cards for men who want to address a receding hairline that leads to the forehead appearing more and more prominent with age. Botox CosmeticR (Allergan, Irvine, CA) is a safe purified protein derivative of the Botulinum toxin that when done conservatively is intended to enhance someone�s appearance, not take away all expression and give the person a paralyzed look. Source:Site

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Night of Beauty a Success!!

The Night of Beauty at the W New York Hotel was a success (see release on ReutersNewswire)! With a turnout of over a hundred people interested in health and beauty, we had such a blast. Metamorphosis Spa provided services like back and shoulder massages as well as gift cards for facials, Beach Bum tanning provided mini- facial spray tans and dental whitening, and MAC Cosmetics provided complimentary makeovers. It Cosmetics provided lip gloss and a "My Beautiful Breasts" body makeup kit as well.

Food, wine and champagne topped off the reception while ladies lined up for the services. Dr911, a concierge medical service that Dr. Walden partners with was there, as well as Allergan Medical Aesthetics to provide the latest information on breast implants, Botox, and soft tissue fillers like Juvederm.

The second hour of the event was devoted to an educational talk by Dr. Walden and Nurse Sarah going over rumors and trumors about breast surgery, silicone and saline implants, breast cancer and preventative measures such as mammography given that October is breast health awareness month. The night was concluded by live injections: a longtime patient of Dr. Walden received Botox in order to help educate the crowd on this safe cosmetic treatment.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Jennifer Aniston: Rhinoplasty, Botox, Fillers, and Lipo?

About 13 years ago Jennifer Aniston underwent nasal surgery (septoplasty) to correct a deviated septum. Last year in 2007, she wanted to fix the surgery stating that the surgery was done incorrectly. Some "insiders" mentioned that maybe she was just trying to achieve the nose that she had always wanted. A "friend" of Aniston�s (more like frenemy) said she underwent the surgery because of Angelina and Brad. Ms. Aniston told People "I had (a deviated septum) fixed - best thing I ever did. I slept like a baby for the first time in years." However, others were quick to point out that technically it was more than a septoplasty because of the external changes in her nose. Source:PopSugar

This past August, the 39 year-old Aniston said she would never get plastic surgery again, that the deviated septum repair was it for her, and the surgery was intended primarily to help her breathe at night. A septoplasty indeed denotes a surgery procedure on the internal midline of the nose called the septum. This is performed to help patients who suffer from nasal airway obstruction. Just so the public understands, if the external bones and cartilage of the nose is surgically altered, then it becomes a rhinoplasty (or septorhinoplasty if both are done at the same time). The maneuvers done on the external nose like narrowing and straightening of the nasal bones and refinement of the tip and width of the nose are done usually for cosmetic reasons. Rarely if ever do these maneuvers affect breathing, they just are intended to make the nose look better!.

Rumors have also circulated that Jennifer may have gotten some soft tissue fillers in her lips, although this is very subtle. Jennifer may also receive Botox by the look of her elevated brows. One commentator from said, �The more weight she�s losing, the more gaunt her face looks,� the insider explains. �That�s why she may get the fillers.� But Jennifer�s rep calls the claims �completely false � she has not had any procedures done."

A recent rumor began that Ms. Aniston may have gotten liposuction. I find it hard to believe considering her already slim body, I can�t imagine where she had the lipo done. However, others seem to think that she might have had done some sort of an outpatient procedure with a relatively quick downtime like SmartLipo. We think she's just in great shape, and has never looked better!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Kim Kardashian: "They're real!"

Recent rumors have spread about reality star, Kim Kardashian. Known for her voluptuous body and TV reality series, "Keeping up with the Kardashian's", Kim's life has been under constant watch and scrutiny. This time, instead of ignoring the rumors, Kim has decided to go fourth and defend herself with some back up.

A related article printed in amNewYork magazine shows the actress fighting back. Kim posted a picture on her blog of herself looking rather endowed at the tender age of 14. She also was quoted saying, "I hope after seeing this you guys will never ask me a plastic surgery question again. I have had a size C since I was 11 years old!"

"Regarding her most famous asset,her behind Kardashian wrote, "All the butt implant rumors are just so not true and now just silly to me." Kardashian said she would never get lip injections or fix her nose, but she'll "definitely get a lift" after she has kids. "Until then I rely on a great supportive bra. LOL!"

No matter what, real or not, I think Kim looks great! Besides all the haters out there we forget the millions of fans that would die to look like her.

Hope to see you all tonight at Dr. Walden's Night of Beauty Event!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Angelina Jolie - Most Requested Celebrity Features by Patients

The newest members of the Pitt-Jolie family are twin babies who were born in July. She gave birth to twins just 3 months ago and she looked great on the red carpet on Saturday for the New York City premiere of her new movie "Changeling." Where did all the baby weight go?
A recent poll conducted by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery revealed that, when asked which celebrity's features they most wanted, a majority of patients would like to resemble Angelina Jolie. No surprise there! She has many defining and beautiful features that are considered aesthetically appealing; including her curves, her voluminous lips and defined cheekbones. It is not uncommon in our office for patients to bring in photos from magazines and ask if their nose can be chiseled, or lips can be filled to look more like hers. (Rest assured, physical perfection is neither standard nor natural: look back at her early photos as a teen and ones from now and you can see she has likely undergone rhinoplasty to narrow and refine her nose).
In an article in My Park Magazine, Brad Pitt's abs were also mentioned as one of the most requested celebrity features by patients. While it is not unusual for patients to request to resemble certain features or body parts of celebrities, it is important to have realistic expectations when undergoing plastic surgery. No one is perfect - not even Angelina Jolie!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Joe Biden Botox Debate

The New York Post ran an article today bringing to light what many people have curiously asked me about lately...Has Joe Biden had Botox? Now, the cosmetic surgeon who is quoted in the article gets scolded by one of Biden's reps (freedom of speech??), so let me put this in generalities.

If you inject Botox (and therefore paralyze) the frontalis muscle of the forehead, although it may make it smoother in appearance, the recipient will not be able to make much of an expression or furrow his or her forehead, and may not be able to elevate their brows much if any. Since the frontalis muscle is one of the only and strongest elevators of the brow, when it is knocked out by Botox, the brows descend and actually look low, which can lead to upper lid hooding in people who are in their 50's and 60's. This often causes a more aged appearance around the eyes than was intended. I generally avoid paralyzing the whole frontalis in older patients for just that reason. In patients in their 20's and 30's it doesn't make that big of a difference since they inherently have less or no brow ptosis, so this is the demographic that usually looks best with frontalis (forehead) paralysis.

In general, newscasters and other people who speak in front of the camera may look even more "done" when they've had their forehead Botoxed because of the hi-def, bright lights, heavy makeup, and the fact that we're used to seeing talking heads really express themselves into that 2-dimensional tube. When they can't raise their brows very high or their forehead is frozen something just doesn't look right.

Alternatively, if the smaller muscles between the brows are injected (the corrugators and depressor supercilii, which are the primary brow depressors), then their paralysis leads to medial brow elevation. I usually inject these muscles and the lateral orbicularis oculi (colloquially known as the crow's feet) in older individuals to get a brow elevation, or lift (which they usually need), and avoid knocking out the whole forehead muscle which can cause worsening of brow ptosis or droop. I'm just going to put these pictures (Before/2006 on the left, After/2008 on the right) up so that you can draw your own conclusions from the NY Post article.

Scientific Reference: Walden JL, et al. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Journal
An Anatomical Comparison of Transpalpebral, Endoscopic, and Coronal Approaches to Demonstrate Exposure and Extent of Brow Depressor Muscle Resection.

Friday, October 3, 2008

The Real Story of the Ugly Duckling, Playboy style

The Girls Next Door, also known as The Girls of the Playboy Mansion, is an American reality television series broadcast on the E! cable television network. The series was created by executive producer Kevin Burns and Hugh Hefner, founder and editor-in-chief of Playboy magazine. The show has been going strong for 6 seasons and has brought the life of this legend and his three blonde girlfriends into millions of viewers living rooms.
According to, "Madison moved to Los Angeles in 1999 to attend Loyola Marymount University, where to make money she competed to become a Hawaiian Tropic model and worked at Hooters. This led to invitations to the Playboy Mansion, at a time when Hefner had seven other girlfriends. Madison moved into the mansion and became one of Hefner's official girlfriends in August 2001, after more than a year of visiting the mansion. In February 2002, after all but two of his girlfriends left, Madison became Hef's "#1 Girl" and moved into his bedroom at the mansion."
Any die hard fan can tell you, that Holly hasn't always looked like the Holly we now see on our television screens every Sunday night. On the inside she may still be the same, but she has definitely had some help to improve her exterior.

According to they seem to believe Holly has undergone multiple surgeries including, facial fillers (to make her cheeks and under eye area fuller and younger), lip augmentation, rhinoplasty and also a brow lift. They seem to have forgotten the most noticeable one, breast augmentation!

Whatever she has actually had done she looks beautiful and not overdone (in a bleached blonde-Playboy bunny kind of way- hey, everything is relative!). If she's thinking any more work in the near future, I'd advise her to stay away from having anything else done for a while. Its amazing what her "before" pictures look like, compared to the ones now; Amazing but subtle transformation. She's got a very good plastic surgeon.
Have a good weekend everyone!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Samantha Ronson a.k.a. Dj Gig Looking Good with Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan's longtime girlfriend Samantha Ronson a.k.a DJ gig may turn to plastic surgery in the future but she doesn't need any now. Her late nights may have slightly changed her appearance as she has lost some of her facial fullness, but gained dark circles under her eyes. World renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Sherrell J. Aston told, �On reviewing a large number of photos it can be seen that Samantha has lost some fullness in her face over the past few years which has had a positive benefit on her facial aesthetics. However the late night DJing and maybe genetics keep the dark circles under her eyes obvious to me. Many photos show her with a cigarette. I wish she would give them up. They have long term effects on the appearance of the skin and contribute to premature aging.� We assume she's lost weight naturally-- liposuction doesn't seem to fit her profile since she still has a very natural appearance, wearing minimal makeup when she's out. Dr. Aston also told Make me heal, �Samantha Ronson is also a very pretty girl and I do not think she has had nasal surgery. I reviewed a large number of photos and her nasal anatomy does not appear surgically altered.� Dr. Aston believes that Ms. Ronson would benefit from nasal surgery saying that, �In my opinion, she would significantly benefit from a well done rhinoplasty. However, the anatomy of her nasal tip cartilages makes this nose more difficult than many to achieve an elegant unoperated look but it can be achieved.� Well, we shall see if in the future Samantha Ronson decides to go under the knife as Lindsay Lohan has been rumored to.

Lindsay Lohan may have had a rhinoplasty in the past, and possibly breast augmentation. Most recently, Lindsay has had lip injections, likely using fillers like Restylane or even collagen that fade over time back to her normal appearing lips.

Samantha and Lindsay have said that they have been together for quite a long time and have been living together since May. Hey, they make a cute couple!

Disclosure: Dr Sherrell Aston is also Dr Jennifer Walden's associate in the practice of plastic surgery. Neither has treated either of these young ladies.