Thursday, April 30, 2009

State of Plastic Surgery?

Recently, State of Play came out in theatres which features Russell Crowe, Rachel McAdams, Ben Affleck and Helen Mirren. Ben Affleck plays a politician who is involved in some sort of a scandal, while his old college roommate, Russell Crowe is a reporter who seeks to find the truth. Helen Mirren plays Crowe's boss and at the age of 63, this actress looks fantastic. I question whether or not she has had plastic surgery after seeing her in State of Play. While Mirren may not have had any children, it is possible that she may have had some liposuction and/or cellulite treatments to keep her skin slightly tighter than most women her age. Having viewed older pictures, it does appear that Mirren's breast size has enlarged throughout the years, which can be normal however, her breasts are perkier than they normally would be-leaving me to believe she may have had a breast lift to keep them from sagging. Rumors have circulated in regards to Mirren's possible facelift and eyelid surgery Regardless of whatever plastic surgery Helen Mirren may have had or hasn't had, she looks amazing for her age. We should all be so lucky!

In regards to State of Play, I highly recommend this movie if you're planning a night out. Once you have Russell Crowe and Ben Affleck together-all you need is some good popcorn! State of Play has been in theatres since April 17th and is currently 7th in the top ten Box office movies.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

To Fill or Not to Fill........

As the population is suffering from a waning economy, pink slips, foreclosures, is what it is (just ask Madoff's clients). Even plastic surgeons are feeling the pinch now-a-days. Don't feel bad for them yet though, according to the Plastic Surgeons Practice there has been a rise in non-surgical procedures such as injectables and laser treatments. More and more people want to look young and fresh like Michelle Williams and Jennifer Garner without going broke. Therefore most of the population is now embracing the plain Jane trend, but even Jane needs a little pick me upper! Enter injectables or as one patient called it "the liquid facelift". With the wide array of injectables now available, patients are now getting more bang for their buck. Some of the injectables target cheekbones, temporal regions, scars, eyebrows, jawlines and of course the ever popular lips (thanks to Angelina Jolie). Oh but it doesn't stop there, now they are becoming popular for hand rejuvenation as well as for nose contouring.

However, taking full advantage of these impressive little injections should be done responsibly. Unlicensed or uncertified people are taking advantage of the economic situation and offering non-surgical procedures in non-medical setting such as a beauty salons, spas, bodegas, or even in people's homes can result in deadly situations. One such incident caused a Bronx woman to lose her life. She had asked a friend to inject free, unpurified, non-medical grade silicone to improve the shape and appearance of her thighs and buttocks. However, she later died in the hospital from "silicone pulmonary embolism, with silicone clotting her lungs. The medical examiner also said the injections were performed by a nonmedical unlicensed person" (Source: Newsday). As a consumer you can take these steps as recommended by Medical News to ensure good results:

1. Doctor: Is the doctor qualified and knowledgeable about the injectable and procedure for different conditions? Does he/she have an appropriately licensed and equipped medical facility?
2. Is the recommended injection approved by the by the U.S. FDA?

If you would like additional information please visit and click on the Skin/Injectables section.

Keeping Up with the Cosmetic Surgery

Kim Kardashian, star of the E! reality show Keeping Up with the Kardashians, has recently reported to People magazine that a member of her clan would soon be going under the knife. Kim says, �Someone in the Kardashian family will soon have plastic surgery� I can�t tell you who, but someone in my family will look totally different and viewers will see it all on the show very soon.� While all three Kardashian sisters have openly admitted to using the VelaShape laser treatment for cellulite, Kim has denied rumors of having more invasive procedures such as breast and butt implants, even posting photos from her youth in an attempt to prove her voluptuous curves have been there all along. Kim adds that while she hasn�t had plastic surgery yet, she plans on a breast lift in the future.

Others in the Kardashian family do not appear to have such a natural past. According to, Kim�s sister Kourtney went from flat-chested to curvy and is widely believed to have undergone breast augmentation. Her step-father Bruce Jenner has also clearly had facial work done to ease the aging process, as has Kim�s mother, Kris Jenner. Could little brother Robert be next to go under the knife? Or will it be sister Khloe? Whoever it is, we wish them a healthy recovery as we eagerly await their big reveal!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

New Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Textbook

This May, Elsevier London is releasing the first ever Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Textbook that is in a one-volume format for the most concise, up-to-date information on the evolving techniques in this field. Here's what the Elsevier London website says about it:

Aesthetic Plastic Surgery - edited by Sherrell J. Aston, MD, Douglas S. Steinbrech, MD and Jennifer L. Walden, MD - brings you the masterful expertise you need to achieve breathtaking outcomes for every cosmetic surgery procedure, including MACS lift, endoscopic mid and lower face rejuvenation, lid/cheek blending - the tear trough, cohesive gel breast augmentation, lipoabdominoplasty, and many more. A "who's who" of international authorities in plastic surgery explain their signature techniques, giving you all the know-how you need deliver the exceptional results your patients demand. Operative videos on DVD let you observe these techniques being performed in real time; and Expert Consult online access enables you to reference the text, download the images, and watch the videos from any computer.

Check it out on now!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Are you Bikini ready?????

Well, it is that time of year again....bikini season!!! I know, I know it makes you want to scream and head for the hills, but here is something that might make bearing your beach bod easier. Dr. Walden was on Fox News this week talking about some new research that has come out about blueberries. That is right, those little blue unassuming berries are now considered a "super food". The medical community has always been aware that blueberries are full of antioxidants and other helpful vitamins, but now research shows that they have fat burning qualities as well. Not only are they able to keep fat at a distance, but it especially helps bust that unwanted and stubborn belly fat!! Did the heavens just open and angels sing???? YES!!!! This new study was conducted on two groups of mice...both given high fat diets, but one group was fed blueberries as well. The group of mice that had the diet with the addition of blueberries showed significant fat loss....especially around the midsection. You can find these helpful fat busting antioxidants in most dark colored berries such as blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries. It is also good news that these sweet treats are part of a well balanced diet, and they really help to curb those unwanted sugar cravings. So, run to the nearest store and buy that bikini and sunblock and head for the beach! For all the ins and outs of this cool new study check out the exclusive interview with Dr. Walden below!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Cost to Look 20 years Younger?; The Case of "I am my Mother's Daughter"

A woman from Great Britain, Janet Cunliffe, 50 recently had plastic surgery in hopes to look more like her 27 year old daughter. Janet spent 10,000 pounds=$15,000 on the surgeries. According to The Sun, Janet was "Desperate to look as pretty and young as her daughter, Janet had a boob job, eye job, nose job and lip augmentation. According to another source, abcnews, Janet went as far as Croatia in order to make this transformation. The Sun also reports," Most assume the pair, who are both beauticians, are sisters or even twins with their matching size six figures, pretty faces and long blonde locks. They are stunned to learn the women are actually mother and daughter � and even more shocked to learn Janet is in fact 22 years older than Jane."

Some psychologists say this kind of transformation may not be healthy in some cases. But, by the looks of it this mother and daughter pair seem to be getting along quite well with Janet's new look. Janet certainly looks 22 years younger, but we are always concerned about the possibility of Body Dysmorphic Disorder in cases such as these. We will definitely be watching for these two on a reality TV show soon!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Plastic Surgery in a Down Economy?

A recent article in amNY states that some unemployed New Yorkers are seeking plastic surgery to get them ahead in the competitive workforce. In a depressed economy, it is not uncommon to see patients return to the plastic surgeon's office for a little pick-me-up, be it Botox, Juvederm, or even a surgical procedure like a facelift.

Many view the recession as a time to "take care of business" and get some of those enhancing procedures done to stay competitive in the workplace. We see men and women that remain devoted to their surgery date and opportunity to look better, despite the economic climate. Just as long as those interest rates don't skyrocket too much, right? For more information, read the article below!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The "Natural" Girl Next-Door ?

Jennifer Garner (37), mother of the ever so cute Violet Affleck, and wife to the handsome Ben Affleck has often been dubbed as the "naturally gorgeous girl next door" by InStyle magazine. That being said one would never think she has had any work done. However, nowadays any picture taken pre-celebrity cannot be hidden from a good Google search. Here we have a picture of her back in the days and amazingly she did not have much of an upper lip! Who would have thought?

Most likely she had soft tissue fillers injected into her upper lip, or an implant inserted for lip augmentation. Although she might have opted for the implant it does not look as big and "trouty" as, let's say, a certain star whose been on Dancing With the Stars and on the daytime soap opera, Days of Our Lives. That's because she truly had a really thin upper lip and the well-done augmentation made it look plump, not overly exaggerated and fake. I still think she looks great, but likely she has made slight changes that enhanced her features. In my book, she is naturally beautiful!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Miss USA, Miss Universe, Miss Perfect?

Last night 50 beautiful women competed for the title of Miss USA, but Miss North Carolina Kristen Dalton took home the crown. Given the intense pressure to get that perfect look, I couldn�t help but wonder if some contestants turned to plastic surgery to prepare. Winner Kristen Dalton looks as though she may have undergone breast augmentation as you can see what looks like the outline of the implant in her swimsuit.

Plastic surgery is not new in the world of beauty pageants and it is not limited to the United States. Miss Universe 2008 Danyana Mendoza is rumored to have had rhinoplasty. It seems likely she has had work done considering her current nose has a much slimmer appearance than in past photos. The Venezuelan beauty commented on plastic surgery during an interview with MSNBC but did not reveal her personal history when asked. "Asking me that is like asking a woman her age," Mendoza said. She did add that plastic surgery is a personal decision and noted, "The problem is when you start to have surgeries to look like someone else."

Plastic surgery is very popular in South American countries such as Venezuela but some European countries have banned it from pageants completely. Does this make Miss Universe a fair competition? Considering the past three winners have all been suspected of various procedures, we�re not sure. Perhaps it has become less about winning a crown, and more about achieving aesthetic perfection.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Fact or Fiction???????

So, this seemed to be a slow week with the celebs and plastic surgery. I had a hard time finding something to blog on. Then I came across this treasure!! According to Star Magazine British hottie Rupert Everett has undergone some major facial plastic surgery. They are rumoring he has had a face lift, chin implant, injections in the cheeks, and of course Botox. Well, by the look of the before and after pictures it looks like he received an entirely new head!!! I have my serious doubts that this is not an extremely doctored...ahem....can we say photoshop....after photo. I mean the bone structure looks totally different to me. I am hoping and praying that this is not true and just an attempt to get some publicity for the magazine. Mr. Everett is such a handsome man and it would be so sad if that is really his face now. Rupert has been seen on the silver screen in such hits as Oscar winning Shakespeare in Love, and My Best Friends Wedding.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Back in the spotlight and Under the knife??

As we all know, Michael Jackson is not only famous for his amazing voice, but also for his countless plastic surgery procedures. Michael has had far too many rhinoplasty surgeries to count as well as cheek implants, smaller jaw, and of course a skin lightening procedure. As you may have heard, Michael is due to perform in London for a series of concerts. According to FoxNews, "The deal that�s been offered could total up to $30 million. It begins with a $10 million guarantee for 10 nights, with a maximum of 30 nights adding up to $30 million. The first grouping is all he has to do, though, just those ten hows. With bump-ups, etc. he could gross around $17 million." Now, I understand that any artist would want to look their best for the stage, but I can't imagine what work Michael could want. "Make Me Heal anticipates that he will get facial plastic surgery, including possible fat transplantation to his face to make it look more youthful and plump, fillers to smooth out wrinkles, and possible eyelid surgery to get rid of any signs of aging around the eyes."Personally, I hope Michael choosing the best doctors in the world if he is truly serious about getting more work done. He should only be getting reconstructive surgery to fix past procedures, but hopefully one day he can be happy with the person he has made himself into.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Melanie Griffith celebrates "Semana Santa"

Melanie Griffith (51) celebrates Easter with her husband, Antonio and the rest of the Banderas family in Spain. In the picture above she is seen wearing a mantilla, Spanish attire for ladies that attend church. Not only is her attire different but her face and lips are noticeably different from the early 90's. According to Make Me Heal, she admitted to having collagen injections to her lips. I think that wasn't the entire truth as there has been rumors that she underwent lip augmentation and had gortex implants placed in her upper lip. Yes, gortex, the same material used to waterproof shoes, jackets, etc. I believe if she only would have gotten injectibles she might not have lost the shape of her cupid's bow. It is also rumored that she has gotten breast augmentation, liposuction, eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty),
Botox, and facelift.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Airbrushed Ann Coulter?

As some of you may know Ann Coulter,44 is a Political Commentator. She posed for a December issue of Playboy People may say she posed "Au natural, " however it looks to me that this picture has been airbrushed. Her face looks like it has been pasted onto this body. But, many people just say that she has stayed fit and that her bust size has enhanced quite a bit. As Makemeheal reported, "Ann doesn't reveal her implants often, but seems to have made an exception when she posed nude for the cover of Playboy magazine a few years ago. While Ann's increase in bust size could be due to a padded bra, it could also be airbrushing, making any definitive answer on Ann's implants ambiguous." It looks to me as though Ann must have had breast augmentation in the past, as makemeheal commented, "She clearly has body built for the camera and not radio, possibly thanks to plastic surgery.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

What Did Stephanie Pratt Do To Her Lips?

Stephanie Pratt of "The Hills" showcased her new lips on the season premiere this week. First Heidi, now Stephanie. It appears that she has undergone lip augmentation to her upper lip. She could have done a filler such as Restylane or Juvederm; or perhaps she had an implant placed??

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Surgical Transformation of Our Favorite Southern Barbie

Dolly Parton (63) is a country icon and is also very well known for her numerous surgical procedures, and Ms. Parton has been very open about some of her procedures such as breast augmentation. There is little doubt she is world-reknowned for her awesome voice, that blonde hair, and voluminous bosom over the decades. She sings classic country songs such as Jolene, Islands in the Stream, Coat of Many Colors, and Two Doors Down. What a pleasure to see this native Tennessean win a Kennedy Center Honor in 2006. I do think she likely has gone down in size with her breast implants since her early days on Hee-Haw, and perhaps even had a breast lift, or mastopexy, to keep them so perky! It is also speculated that she may have had a brow lift which explains her arched brows and upper lid blepharoplasty (eye lift).
According to she may have also had rhinoplasty to narrow the width of her dorsum and reduce her nasal tip, and a chin augmentation to balance out her face. Her lips also appear a lot fuller than they did back in the 80's, resulting from possible fillers like Juvederm or Restylane. We love Dolly Parton in this office with the majority of us from south of the Mason-Dixon line, and we look forward to hearing her melodic tunes for years to come!

Smoking and its Harmful Effects on Plastic Surgery

Our own Dr. Jennifer Walden was recently featured on Fox News to discuss the risks of smoking. We all know smoking is detrimental to our health, but what Dr. Walden didn�t have a chance to mention was how harmful smoking can be for surgical patients. The challenges of permanently kicking a nicotine habit are discussed in the clip above, and many patients struggle to quit temporarily in the pre- and post-op period.

With respect to wound healing after surgery, smokers already have some degree of permanent constriction of blood vessels, which is known as "vasoconstriction." So these patients are already at a disadvantage as compared to non-smokers when heading into surgery, such as increased pulmonary and heart risks associated with sedation and general anesthesia, as well as decreased blood supply to the skin and deeper tissues needed desperately for nice incisions to heal with the best scars possible. Smoking during the recommended four week abstention period surrounding surgery can leave patients vulnerable to complications, such as:

� Poor and/or delayed wound healing
� Increased risk of infection
� Longer bruising period
� Skin loss
� Hypertrophic or keloid scarring
� Increased risk of pulmonary problems
� Flap necrosis (as with �flap� procedures) or tissue breakdown

Quitting two weeks prior helps to rid the majority of nicotine from the body, while the remaining traces are flushed out during the initial period following surgery. However two weeks is no magic number for quitting and the longer the period of abstinence before, the better, most experts agree.

Rod J. Rohrich, MD from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center explains, "Tobacco smoke contains more than 3,800 identified substances, of which nicotine and carbon monoxide are two of the most detrimental to wound healing and may cause pulmonary complications. This impaired wound healing may dramatically decrease the final cosmetic outcome."

Considering people generally invest in plastic surgery to improve their appearance and self-confidence, it may be the perfect time to use one's surgery date as a goal and quit smoking altogether!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Stem Cells + Breast Augmentation = What??

Some of you might have caught our own Dr. Walden on Fox news this week. She had the opportunity to speak about a very new and interesting topic. It appears that in the very near future British woman will be able to get a "natural" breast implant of sorts that is made from harvested fat with stem cells added. This is a procedure that is already being performed in Japan and other countries in Asia. As with any other medical use of stem cells there is much controversy. Although, this procedure uses adult stem cells from the host itself versus embryonic stem cells. The idea is that a doctor can harvest a portion of fat and add stem cells to it (obviously the process is more complicated than that, but you get the picture) and the stem cells are able to grow blood vessels and additional fat to form a stable "natural" breast implant that can be implanted into the breast. On the surface this sounds like the perfect answer to any concerns about putting a foreign object like a silicone or saline breast implant in the body. As you will hear in Dr. Walden's Fox news clip above, the use of stem cells in this way can have some dangers. Stem cells are amazing in the way they can "duplicate" or "match" the tissue and or fat they are placed next to. This is the major plus in this situation, but think for a moment perhaps at some point you get diagnosed with breast cancer....would you want an abundance of stem cells that could possibly add more cancer cells to your vote is no. Also, there is a possibility that the fat could continue to grow and give a much larger look than the patient wants. I know that stem cells are amazing, but how do they know to stop growing when they reach a 34 C. I am definitely not a doctor but these would be major concerns for me as a patient. Another down side that has been reported is that in some cases lumps or bumps in the fat can appear. It would be a shame to go through a major surgery to end up with lumpy breasts. I am always excited to see what new advances are made in the medical field, but if it were me I would stay with something that is tried and tested. I think for the time being I would stick with a traditional silicone/saline implant until all the kinks get worked out of this idea! Of course this is all my opinion....Dr. Walden explains it so much BETTER! Don't forget to check out the clip above!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Blast From the Past

Remember Geena Davis? She was Louise in Thelma and Louise and has been seen in many other movies and television shows. If you look at Geena Davis now, she is unrecognizable! It appears as though she has had quite a bit of plastic surgery, and I can't say that it was the best thing for her. It appears as though Ms. Davis has had lip injections on her upper lip and it's rumored that she has had a facelift, eyelift and other injections. I think Geena Davis was a natural beauty and feel that she could do without all these procedures, however I don't think any less of her.