Thursday, April 16, 2009

Back in the spotlight and Under the knife??

As we all know, Michael Jackson is not only famous for his amazing voice, but also for his countless plastic surgery procedures. Michael has had far too many rhinoplasty surgeries to count as well as cheek implants, smaller jaw, and of course a skin lightening procedure. As you may have heard, Michael is due to perform in London for a series of concerts. According to FoxNews, "The deal that�s been offered could total up to $30 million. It begins with a $10 million guarantee for 10 nights, with a maximum of 30 nights adding up to $30 million. The first grouping is all he has to do, though, just those ten hows. With bump-ups, etc. he could gross around $17 million." Now, I understand that any artist would want to look their best for the stage, but I can't imagine what work Michael could want. "Make Me Heal anticipates that he will get facial plastic surgery, including possible fat transplantation to his face to make it look more youthful and plump, fillers to smooth out wrinkles, and possible eyelid surgery to get rid of any signs of aging around the eyes."Personally, I hope Michael choosing the best doctors in the world if he is truly serious about getting more work done. He should only be getting reconstructive surgery to fix past procedures, but hopefully one day he can be happy with the person he has made himself into.

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