After going through quite a few sites, I had my heart set on blogging about Marilyn Monroe. To my recollection, we have not discussed her here, and afterall she was one of the greatest female stars of our time. Now while I was reading, I noticed that rumors floated around that she may have had breast augmentation, eyelid surgery, and perhaps even jaw surgery. One thing we know for certain, is that Monroe did have a rhinoplasty. According to one source, she went under the knife in 1946, once she had signed a contract with Twentieth Century-Fox Studios. Apparently, an agent suggested she change her name. And "Norma" changed her name to Marilyn, dyed her hair and went for rhinoplasty. The nose job done on Marilyn is one of the greatest you will ever see, the surgeon was able to change her bulky-wide nose into a feminine and more defined nose. (Source: celebrityplasticpics) According to another source, Marilyn did have her chin perfected (details unknown) in 1950. The MarilynMonroePages also tell us that she had an orthodontist fix her front teeth which slightly protruded.
Regardless of the rumors, one thing is for sure, Marilyn Monroe was a true beauty and was a stunning and talented woman.
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