Friday, January 29, 2010

Post-Op Bandage: Minimize Swelling & Increase Attention

I know what you're thinking, this picture must have been taken sometime in late November since Heidi had her now famous 'ten surgeries in one day' on November 20th and bandages such as the ones she appears in here are typically worn during the first few weeks post-op only. But no, this picture was taken on January 27th!!! More than two months after her surgeries not to mention the countless number of photos we have seen of her since without the bandages. This photo was taken as Heidi and her sister Holly exited a private plane in their hometown of Crested Butte, Colorado so Heidi could face her Mom for the first time since her surgeries. Hmmm, do you think Heidi had any idea that the paparazzi would be there to capture this moment? Even Dr. Frank Ryan, Heidi's plastic surgeon, had nothing but a sarcastic remark for her dramatic, bandage-covered, plane exit saying something along the lines of "well isn't she just the diligent patient" confirming that the bandages were not doctor's orders and safeguarding nothing more than making sure she made the entertainment news circuit that day. I have to hand it to her, I have blogged about her two weeks in a row and she was indeed plastered all over the entertainment shows, blogs, websites getting off that plane. If attention is what she is seeking than she is surely feeling accomplished right now. I promise if she is still wearing the bandages on the 4th of July I will resist the temptation to write about her again. At some point we all need to ignore the monster we created.

Moving day approaches!

This is me realizing I only have one night left to pack and there is SO MUCH LEFT! This is me looking at and seeing it's supposed to rain all during my moving day:
This is me feeling like I shouldn't have let my boyfriend stay so late and have a Queen listening party last night because now I'm tired and don't want to pack:
This is my saying at least there is coffee:

Hope your weekend is better than mine!

11 romances that made me swoon, number 11

Valentine's day is fast approaching! I think I haven't been as aware of it this year because I've been in super packing mode. I realized that there are 11 week days left until the big day so I thought it would be fun on each day left to list my top 11 romances that have made me squeal throughout my 20 something years.
At first I didn't want to do this because I realized I was going to have to admit to some particularly guilty pleasures, but oh well, here we go!

Number 11:
Britney Spears and Justin TimberlakeGive me a break, I was in 9th grade...But ya, I totally thought they were adorable and going to last forever.Even after I saw these matching denim outfits. Ugh.

Stay tuned for 10-1!

UPDATE: I decided I'm not going down alone for this crime. I'm tattling that Carly from Consider Me Addicted used to sit with me for hours gluing Britney and Justin pictures to our binders and watching Dawson's Creek. I'm a good friend...

Fables I have chosen

After looking through the various different pieces on the website I have narrowed my favourites down to 3 fables that I like the most:

'The bat, the birds and the beasts'

"A great conflict was about to come off between the Birds and the Beasts. When the two armies were collected together the Bat hesitated which to join. The Birds that passed his perch said: "Come with us"; but he said: "I am a Beast."

Later on, some Beasts who were passing underneath him looked up and said:"Come with us"; but he said: "I am a Bird."

Luckily at the last moment peace was made, and no battle took place, so the Bat came to the Birds and wished to join in the rejoicings, but they all turned
against him and he had to fly away. He then went to the Beasts, but soon had to beat a retreat, or else they would have torn him to pieces.

"Ah," said the Bat, "I see now,

"He that is neither one thing nor the other has no friends."

'Avaricious and Envious'

Two neighbours came before Jupiter and prayed him to grant their hearts' desire. Now the one was full of avarice, and the other eaten up with envy. So to punish them both, Jupiter granted that each might have whatever he wished for himself, but only on condition that his neighbour had twice as much. The Avaricious man prayed to have a room full of gold. No sooner said than done; but all his joy was turned to grief when he found that his neighbour had two rooms full of the precious metal. Then came the turn of the Envious man, who could not bear to think that his neighbour had any joy at all. So he prayed that he might have one of his own eyes put out, by which means his companion would become totally blind.

Vices are their own punishment

'Androcules and the Lion'

A slave named Androcles once escaped from his master and fled to the forest. As he was wandering about there he came upon a Lion lying down moaning and groaning. At first he turned to flee, but finding that the Lion did not pursue him, he turned back and went up to him. As he came near, the Lion put out his paw, which was all swollen and bleeding, and Androcles found that a huge thorn had got into it, and was causing all the pain. He pulled out the thorn and bound up the paw of the Lion, who was soon able to rise and lick the hand of Androcles like a dog. Then the Lion
took Androcles to his cave, and every day used to bring him meat from which to live. But shortly afterwards both Androcles and the Lion were captured, and the slave was sentenced to be thrown to the Lion, after the latter had been kept without food for several days. The Emperor and all his Court came to see the spectacle, and Androcles was led out into the middle of the arena. Soon the Lion was let loose from his den, and rushed bounding and roaring towards his victim. But as soon as he came near to Androcles he recognised his friend, and fawned upon him, and licked his hands like a friendly dog. The Emperor, surprised at this, summoned Androcles to him, who told him the whole story. Whereupon the slave was pardoned and freed, and the Lion let loose to his native forest.

Gratitude is the sign of noble souls

I am quite keen on the first fable (the bat, the birds and the beasts), I feel this will be quite fun to animate and design so I will start with this one and see what I can come up with in terms of storyboards and sketches.

Design Brief - Aesop's Fables

This Semester's task looks at the famous series of 'Aesop's Fables', a collection of short stories designed to teach a lesson to children. The content of these fables appeal to children in a way that is humorous and entertaining.

Information and a complete list of the Fables can be found here:

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Three things I love Thursday: January 28, 2009

1. All this cupcake decorating stuff that just came in the mail from Cupcake Social and Bake it Pretty. (I went a little overboard...)Pink decorating sugar!edible glitter!big heart sprinkles!2. This picture: 3. These candy colored pumps from Elizabeth and James:

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Monday, January 25, 2010

Favorite SAG looks

Drew Barrymore in Monique Lhuillier Spring 2009
Toni Collette in Rafael Cennamo
Gosh, I'm really on the Toni Collette train this awards season.
Lea Michele in Catherine Malandrino in Spring 2010

love this...

Marc by Marc Jacobs coat:Marie-Helene de Taillac 18 karat gold lemon quartz ring:Marc Jacobs double bag:

Friday, January 22, 2010

happy weekend!

I hope some of you have exciting plans to make up for the fact that I will be packing up my apartment ALL weekend long. And maybe doing a little lying in bed and thinking this:

Milly pre-Spring arrivals

I am loving the new Spring looks from Milly at Saks:Overall, lots of navy and almost a nautical feel. cutecute

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Three things I love Thursday: January 21, 2010

1. This secret love letters writing kit (Fred Flare $10): The two pens each scribble with invisible ink. Each pen cap contains a black light beam to uncover all your sweet nothings.
2. This toothpaste for dinner cartoon: I pretty much spend my life giving out optimist error codes so I was excited when I saw this.
3. My boyfriend surprising me with my favorite flower and my favorite food:
Seriously, how embarrassing is it that my favorite food is Mac and Cheese pizza from CiCi's?