Friday, February 26, 2010

just a little morning shoe love

Salvatore FerragamoPhillip LimChristian LouboutinAlexis Mabille YSL

Christian Dior

Happy weekend! Don't forget, 5 days left to enter my Kate Spade Giveaway!

Bat Modelling - pt. 2 continued

I continued to refine each edge of the bat's wing flaps to enusre that a smooth fit was gained before doing anything else with the model.

For each section, I carefully moved the outer vertices to fill any gaps that were present when the wing flaps and the arms were aligned. This was a fairly straight-forward task which thankfully has not taken a great deal of time.

When the gaps were filled and any minor alignments fixed I can now add a symmetry modifier to the wing flaps to use on the other side of my bat. This was quite tricky - as the mirrored image was not aligned and needed careful x and y coordinate adjustments in order to fit the shape properly.

This has unfortunetly continued to cause some problems as some minor mis-alignments are still present. I will need to keep checking the model and fix these issues before the next step, which will be the 3d look.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Material Girl

Last night I had the pleasure of attending the filming of episode 4 for NBC�s new show The Marriage Ref. The show was absolutely hilarious! I highly recommend setting your DVRs to record Thursday nights after the Olympics. Last night�s episode was hosted by Tom Papa and his celebrity �experts� were Ricky Gervais, Larry David and Madonna.

Madonna has been all over the gossip websites with speculation that she had undergone a procedure known as the "Ribbon Lift". The "Ribbon Lift" is the marketing name for a trendy little neck lift that usually takes about 30 minutes to perform. The process uses a dissolvable "ribbon"-like suspension implant to lift neck tissues through a small incision around the earlobe. After about 2 months the ribbon is absorbed by the body and results are reported to last for about 3 years, although the jury is still out on that since we don't have the long term follow-up on the relatively new procedure.

Madonna is known to respond to any inquires about plastic surgery with her standard statement that she is �certainly not against plastic surgery; however, [she is] absolutely against having to discuss it." Her face looks as if she has had a successful lifting procedure and as if she may have undergone skin and injectable treatments. Regardless of what work she has had done, Madonna was looking as beautiful as ever, and I think the viewing audience will be pleasantly surprised to hear her witty contributions to the show.

Three things I love Thursday: February 25, 2010

First off, I'd just like to say that the comment section in yesterday's giveaway post was beyond entertaining. You guys had me laughing for a long time! Still 6 days to enter!

And so sorry to my international readers. I feel like a traitor since I grew up in Calgary! But when did postage get so expensive?? I promise I'll do another giveaway soon that is lighter (but still as glam) and open to everyone. Ok, on to my three things.

1. This adorable wreath made out of cupcake liners found at Friday's Child:2. Ceilings covered in balloons! So whimsical!3. Knot2Much2Ask bracelets found at Shopbop:

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Blogoversary party: giveaway

Happy one year birthday to my little blog! What a fun year it's been! Also a year of changes. I've had 2 1/2 boyfriends, 2 jobs, 2 apartments...

UPDATE: ha! Many questions in the comment section about my 1/2 boyfriend. No he wasn't short! And yes, he was "the starbucks guy." Just someone who never had the official boyfriend title but I dated pretty much exclusively for a bit.

ANYWAY, I decided it would be fun to celebrate with my first ever giveaway:
It's actually a funny story how I came in possesion of this cute Kate Spade cosmetic bag. I ordered an adorable pair of gold sequin flats back in December and two boxes arrived instead of one. The second box had the shoe order form and this bag.
I called Kate Spade about 4 times trying to figure out what to do and each time they said they would email me a label to send it back. After 3 months of waiting and calling I have decided the bag is all mine (or all yours as the case may be.)
The tag says it's worth $70 and it's got a pretty adorable poppy print:

So here are the rules:

1. You must be a follower of glammed if you do, glammed if you don't.
2. You must be a resident of the United States.
3. Enter by leaving a comment about anything you want. Your favorite color, animal, Disney character, number, Backstreet Boy, 80's cartoon, season, Melissa Joan Heart show, etc. (You get the point.)

I'll randomly select a winner next Wednesday, March 3, 2010.

Good luck!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Texture Tuesday: February 23, 2009

Long post, sorry!House of Harlow pumpLuella ruffle bagKate Spade Theresa cardigan. I just bought this cardigan and the gold bag below on the Kate Spade Sample sale going on now!And on the subject of shopping, here's some of the cute stuff I picked up this weekend with incredible shopping buddy Carly:Joie Rose print tankKate Spade Frenchie flats

Anthropologie cardigan

Miss you already Queen Frostine!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Little Bitty "Tibi" Committee

Fashion week in New York signifies certain times of year as much as Halloween makes one think October. Twice a year, as mid-February and mid-September approach, fashionistas across the land start to get that excited itch of the approaching fashion week. For most it's the unveiling of the hottest designers newest collection that brings out celebrities, editors, and photographers alike, but for me it's a candy store of plastic surgery both good and bad, and an endless playing of my favorite two games; 'who needs what' and 'who's had what'. This year I attended the Tibi show and was giddy like a kid on a snow day as the models started walking down the runway. I happen to love Tibi and even sported a dress by the designer to the show. I was really getting into it this year! So much so that instead of ignoring the runway and focusing on the audience to play the games mentioned above, I was extremely focused on the models. Of course they were all tall and skinny because that's just par for the course (and the only measurements that fit into those sample sizes!) but I couldn't help but feel that a little bosom would've made the collection look more feminine and wearable by the general public (translation: anyone bigger than a size 0). I realize that it is physically impossible to maintain a decent cup size with these models LOW body mass index, but I do think some of them would benefit from conservative breast implants. I think breast augmentation would make a lot of these models look and feel more womanly, without drawing any attention away from the clothes. I get that these shows are supposed to be solely about the collection, not the models, but until designers can figure out how to make actual hangers walk, they need to accept that the models are part of the show too. A B-cup will only make the clothes look better!!


I know this is a side step out of the ordinary of our usual blog fare around here, but I saw a headline about Hilary Duff getting engaged and I was so genuinely happy for her. Hilary has always been extremely classy and just plain adorable. She made the transition from Disney's Lizzie McGuire to grown up Gossip Girl seamlessly. There were never any drunken photos of her dancing on tables or wardrobe malfunctions as she was exiting a vehicle. I think in Hollywood those activities have become the norm rather than the exception.

Last week Ms. Duff announced that she is engaged to hockey star Mike Comrie, who she has been dating for more than two years. Mike popped the question in Maui, but there is no date set to walk down the aisle as of yet.

In addition to her blooming love life, Hilary has always remained very natural looking. It is rumored that the star has had cosmetic rhinoplasty early in her career and possible liposuction. She obviously also has great genetics because her and her sister Hillary have glowing skin. I think she is probably too young to have delved into any type of botox at this point, but looks as if she possibly uses a dermal filler to plump up her lips. Whatever work she has or hasn't had done, I think she always carries and presents herself in a elegant put together way and is such a great example for up and coming stars of tomorrow.

Congrats Hilary!!

love this...

River Island nautical themed tank: vintage gold necklace at Elva Fields:
D&G bow blouse:

Friday, February 19, 2010

Bat Modelling - pt. 2

Now that half of the bat's body has been finished, it's time to use the symmetry modifer to mirror the model and create a full body layout..

I noticed I has forgotten to give my bat a tail, so another plane was created with 8 horizontal sections and shaped into a tail that is now attached to the main body poly.

The next step on my bat model is to now craft the 'membrane' wing flaps that are positioned between the bat's arm structure. I will be continuing to use the 'plane-modelling' technique to great use here , including the soft selection tool to shape the vertices as desired.

I started off with a plane, using a 12x12 cross-section setting..

Next I converted the plane to an 'editable-poly' and begun to mold the plane's shape to fit the wing section located near the bat's shoulder..

I arranged the vertices to flow in a neat pattern that will hoprfully render nicely with some lighting effects. I tried my best here to mimic the shading from the reference image in regards to positioning / flowing the vertices in each section.

This process was continued for each section of the bat's wing. The larger areas were more difficult to craft properly and arrange the vertices in a neat fashion, however as time-consuming as this was, this is still a very simple procedure you just have to be extremely patient!

The 'soft-selection' tool came in very useful here to start with, each corner was first positioned on the bat's wing section as see in the image above. After some tampering with the vertex positions, the soft-selection tool soon became more of a nuisance to perfecting the shape, so i opted for the regular 'individual' vertex editor to fine tune the plane and fit the section correctly. I am very pleased with the result so far, the images clearly show how the vertices flow in regards to the shading on the background image.

After each section of the bat wing was finished, i then combined the new wing pieces with the bat's body for further fine-tuning and corrections..

I have purposly left a gap between each section of the bat. This is due to the fact that expanding the plane to create a 3D body with the limbs attached will result in a flat model. So instead each section will be made 3-dimensional and attached seperately resulting in a more realistic and visually correct model.

I take great pride in fine-tuning each section carefully, if needed, one vertex at a time to get a very neat and easily manageable model. So far, around 5-8hrs has been spent perfecting the bat's body and wings which I hope to have completed very soon!