Friday, August 27, 2010

Things That Worry Me

  1. I got a very long handwritten thank you card from a store I recently shopped at. Does this mean I spent way too much money there?
  2. The state of my hair. These early April highlights are grown out and faded; I just wish they'd grow out a little faster! Come on, prenatal vitamins, work your magic.
  3. The state of my closet. I just tried on every dress I have and put away everything that no longer fits. This has left me with 2 things to wear. I'm in trouble.
  4. What kind of world BabyWP will grow up in. All the hate speech and attacks on people for being Muslim or Muslim-looking have taken me back to post-9/11 when shots were fired at my mosque, my house was egged, I was chased down the street by men screaming "bin Laden!", and I just generally felt unsafe. I want so much better for BabyWP. No one should ever feel that way.

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