Wednesday, October 27, 2010

EWP Giveaway: Victoria Beckham's "That Extra Half an Inch"

I've been doing some cleaning up to make room for BabyWP. The second bedroom has been a storage, junk room for the last year and we have to somehow turn it into a nursery. Which means getting rid of a lot of things.

As I was cleaning up, I ran across the wondrous book: That Extra Half an Inch by my favorite fashionista Victoria Beckham. It's a great book full of advice on tops, shoes, jeans, bags, everything. Sure, some of it is not useful as it references British brands, but the advice is great nonetheless.
And because I hate something great go to waste, I'm giving away this great book to one of you.

All you have to do is leave a comment saying.... I dunno, whatever you feel like. haha, sorry, I'm not creative today.

One entry per person. Please leave an email to contact you by if I don't have one. Winner will be announced at some point.


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