Grant Achatz, the highly praised chef of Alinea in Chicago (the current #1 restaurant in North America, and #7 in the world), is opening a new restaurant. And unlike Alinea which will set you back $300/person, this one is a super economical $45-$75.
But this isn't your normal restaurant where you just hit up OpenTable and make a ressie. Next Restaurant is selling tickets to partake in their dining experience.
Anyone wishing to eat at Next after its scheduled opening in the fall will pay in advance on its Web site. Like airlines, Next will offer cheaper tickets for off-peak hours. A table at 9:30 on a Tuesday night, say, would cost less than one for Saturday at 8. Ticket prices will also vary based on the menu, but will run from $45 to $75 for a five- or six-course meal, according to the site, nextrestaurant.com. (Wine and beverage pairings, bought with the ticket, will begin at $25.)
The menu will change four times a year, with each new edition featuring the cuisine of a particular place and time. When the restaurant opens, Mr. Achatz said, the theme will be Paris in 1912, with painstakingly researched evocations of Escoffier-era cuisine. Three months later, the kitchen will turn out a fresh set of recipes — evoking, say, postwar Sicily, or Hong Kong 25 years from now, with modern techniques employed to imagine the future of Chinese cuisine.
Subscriptions to a year’s worth of space-and-time coordinates will also be sold.
This is any foodie's dream. You must buy these tickets. Or wait. Don't. I don't want any competition to get them :)
Portions excerpted from this New York Times article.
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