Last Sunday's Globe awards were handed out and the winners were for the most part awarded to the front runners in each category. Natalie Portman for 'Black Swan', Annette Bening for 'The Kids Are Alright', Christian Bale for 'The Fighter', and the list goes on...Luckily for the audience there were no big surprises because animating their face correctly for this scenario would have proven difficult for many. Not all frozen is created equal, and some stars looked better and more natural than others, but for some it's time to let it go just a little bit to allow for some movement and graceful aging. I am all for turning back the clock but taking the battery out of it completely is not the idea. Let's take a look at the nominees for the best injected celebrity of the Golden Globes...

Too Much
Sorry. I love her too but it just is.

Kyra you're making me nervous! Riding that fine line of lookin good and lookin frozen. We'll let you get away with a warning this time.

Hall Of Fame
That "one" time has lasted a lot longer than the average treatment....
Annette looks great! I think she had a facelift and does a moderate amount of maintenance with injections. A great version of a woman her age. Well done.

Something is not right here

Get those injections in now Giuliana because once you conceive that much desired (and publicized) child you will have to lay off the needle for awhile.

No sign of those rumored Latisse side effects. The spokesperson for the AMAZING eyelash grower is looking radiant with a very smooth forehead and glabella.

Not a chance that this is an all natural look. She probably has a secret injector tucked away in Namibia so no one ever sees her come and go to her appointments.

The injection newcomer. Looks like maybe a little Botox to the upper face. Looking good!

See you all at the SAG awards....
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