Tuesday, June 28, 2011

tres leches

An easy version of tres leches with a couple of twists. I made this for my boyfriend's birthday and a lot of people asked for the recipe so I thought the blog was a great place to share it.
I never follow recipes. I always end up simplifying some things and adding in extra ingredients. So here is my created version!
Start with yellow butter boxed cake mix and follow the instructions to make (three eggs, stick of butter, water) but with the addition of about a half cup of brown sugar.Bake cake as directed:Let the cake cool for 10 minutes or so and then poke lots of holes in the top of the cake with a fork. I mean lots and lots.
For the "tres leches" part, mix 1 pint heavy whipping cream, one can evaporated milk and one can sweetened condensed milk. I decided to add a splash of vanilla and about a 1/2 tablespoon of pumpkin pie spice. I thought it really added some good flavors to the mix:Whisk together then pour slowly over cake with holes:Most people make a fancy whipped cream topping but I mixed together a tub of cool whip and a can of vanilla frosting for my topping. It is the part I got the most compliments on by far:Let sit in the fridge over night!As an added bonus, I wanted to make adult birthday candles since this was a birthday cake. I hollowed out some strawberries and then afixed them on top of the slices of cake.I then filled them with alcohol (I used bacardi 151) and lit them on fire:
Ta-dah! Happy cooking!

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