Tuesday, August 30, 2011


So sorry to have been MIA, bleeps. I was busy packing for the move, then moving, then was without internet, then was unpacking, then injured my back while unpacking and had to lay around in pain for a while. But I have internet now. And my back is on the mend. And since I can't actually finish unpacking due to my fun back restrictions, might as well jump back into blogging.

And we have some fun things coming up! Next week I have an event for Michael Anthony Salon Spa's 20th Anniversary and an event at Saks Fifth Avenue where I will meet the shoe making god Brian Atwood in person!!! SQUEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! Lots of fun coming up. Whatever shall I wear???!

I've also decided to make September a dos and don'ts month. A whole month of EWP tips on what to do and not do (e.g. flip flops: don't, dark wash trouser jeans: do).

Sorry to have left y'all for so long. But I'm back now.



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