Sunday, May 31, 2009

Botox has Competition!

On the same day it announced a black box warning for Botox (Allergan, Inc) and similar drugs, the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) approved another botulinum toxin product for injection in the U.S. market. Like Botox and Botox Cosmetic, Dysport is made from botulinum toxin type A. It was approved by the FDA on Thursday, April 30th as both an anti-wrinkle treatment and for treating spasm of the neck muscles. The drug is to be distributed in the U.S. by Medicis Pharmaceutical Corp. of Scottsdale (the manufacturer of the popular soft tissue filler, Restylane) and its partner, France�s Ipsen SA. The cosmetic version of Dysport should be available in the U.S. within the next 30 to 60 days. The medical form should be available during the second half of the year. Some say the newer Reloxin may last longer and may cost less since more dilution can be done in the reconstitution process (whereby a certain volume injectable saline is mixed with the purified toxin prior to injection). Others say the two substances are not interchangeable since Dysport may have a tendency to disperse into surrounding muscles and affect their function in a different way than Botox. Regardless, physician training is of utmost importance prior to injection any patient with either Botox or Dysport.

The same day the FDA approved Dysport, it ordered the manufacturers of botulinum toxin injection products to add black box warnings - the agency�s strictest safety alert - to their labels regarding their risk of potentially life-threatening complication when the effects of the toxin spread far beyond the injection site. According to the FDA, such an occurrence can cause symptoms similar to those of botulism, including unexpected muscle weakness, hoarseness, trouble breathing, difficulty swallowing, double vision, blurred vision and drooping eyelids (levator ptosis). The agency said such symptoms have mostly been reported in children with cerebral palsy being treated with the products for muscle spasticity, an unapproved use of the drugs. Symptoms have also been reported in adults treated both for approved and unapproved uses.

The new warning label will apply to Dysport, as well as Allergan�s Botox and Botox Cosmetic and Solstice Neurosciences� Myobloc. Botox Cosmetic is approved as a wrinkle treatment including injection into the muscles between the brows that cause brow depression called the corrugator supercilii and procerus. Myobloc and Botox are approved for the treatment of spasms of the neck muscles. Botox is also approved for the treatment of severe underarm sweating (primary axillary hyperhidrosis), crossed eyes (strabismus), and abnormal tics and twitches of the eyelids (blepharospasm). These are very effective products for all of the above indications, and 2.5 million injections of Botox were performed in the US in 2008, making it the most popular cosmetic treatment that year. I perform Botox injections many times per week, and find a high degree of patient satisfaction and loyalty associated with the treatment because it works so well for the treatment of dynamic glabellar wrinkles, forehead furrows (frontalis muscle) and crow's feet (lateral orbicularis oculi muscle).

I think it is important to note that the majority of problems in the past with Botox injections were caused in patients who had chronic underlying medical conditions who were injected with the drug for medical reasons such as cervical spasm or muscle contracture. A direct causal link often cannot be established in such cases. The drug Botox Cosmetic, used for wrinkles with superficial facial muscle contraction, is actually very safe, predictable, and has reproducible results when injected correctly. Dysport (called Reloxin in the U.S.) and Botox Cosmetic must, however, be injected by trained professionals with an intimate understanding of the 3-dimensional anatomy of the face, and patient safety is paramount with any injectable. Untrained injectors and injection of copycat or bootlegged, FDA-unapproved products are a major concern as well that have led to some of the negative press surrounding these products. Botox is a product that has been around for decades in the fields of opthalmology and neurology prior to making its debut in the arena of cosmetic procedures. I would be interested to know what the opinion is of the others--do you think Dysport, or Reloxin, will ever top the gigantic Botox market? Join the discussion with me on Medscape Blogs by WebMD.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Bruce Jenner Revisited

You win some you lose some....well, for Bruce Jenner that statement couldn't be more true. The Olympic athlete became famous after winning multiple gold medals in the 70's and 80's and was quickly recognized for not just his medals. Mr. Jenner became an instant heart throb to woman world wide. At some point in the 80's he decided to have rhinoplasty and a partial face lift. He will be the first to admit that it was a huge mistake. It has never been publicly discussed from his camp, but many members of his immediate family have spoken about how disappointed he was with the results. Jenner has been the butt of many plastic surgery jokes over the years. With the success of the reality show "Keeping up with the Kardashians", Jenner has been thrust into the spotlight again. With the support and encouragement of his family, Jenner went under the knife again to revise some of the effects of the first surgery. According to Life and Style magazine, he and his wife Kris could not be happier with the results. After looking at the very few "after" pictures I could find on the net, it seems like he underwent a neck lift to match the facelift that had been done earlier. It also looks as if the facelift skin flaps were re-elevated and re-draped to give his face a bit more natural and less tight, stretched look. It does look like they streamlined his face a bit (especially along the jaw line). As far as the nose....well, it looks the same to me. With any aesthetic surgery the most important thing is that the patient is happy with the results. After all it is HIS face and he has to looks at it everyday. I would say on a whole it is just another triumph for Bruce Jenner!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Still Making a Splash!

I'm been soooo wanting to see Ron Howard's new flick Angels & Demons, since I loved his last flick The Da Vinci Code. So, this movie is a sequel to The Da Vinci Code and I heard it deals with Tom Hanks' character, Robert Langdon, trying to stop some secret society called the Illuminati from destroying the Roman Catholic Church. What's better than mixing religion and science together???.........Well Tom Hanks of course! He looks good for 52 but his face in this picture makes him look plastic. Could it be the faux tan, his new hair a la Nicholas Cage or maybe a chemical peel and some Botox? He looks a tad shiny and a little tight in the face. Let's just hope its weight loss, some good R&R and make-up.

Friday, May 22, 2009


It is your lucky day!!! I missed a Friday a couple of weeks ago, so I thought I would make it up and give you not one topic, but two today! I don't know about you, but I have LOVED looking at all the red carpet pics of the Cannes Film Festival this week. Every year you are guaranteed for some beautifully dressed celebs in the hottest fashions. With Cannes being one of the biggest "film" events of the calendar year, the "seen" and "be seen" stars spend a ton of cash to look "fresh"!!! Lucky for us here at Celebrity Plastic Surgery Blog, it is very hot this time of year in Cannes, so the "smaller" outfits give us a better look at who's had what done! :) So, by far the best looking couple on the red carpet this week has been...surprise, surprise...Brad and Angelina. They showed up to the premiere of Brad's new film looking like two perfect 10's. The only thing that stuck out to me was Angelina's face. It looks a little tight and quite shiny to me. I thought maybe it was the angle of the camera, but when I looked at other photos caught from different angles the look was the same. I am guessing that there may be Botox and other fillers involved in this perfection. She also may have had a recent chemical peel to give an overall smooth and luminous look to the skin. Of course this is just speculation on my part, but this will not be the first time plastic surgery rumors have been associated with the super star couple. No matter what she did or didn't do, she looked like a million bucks! After birthing 3 biological children and adopting 3 others she looks stunning.

The next topic I wanted to talk about is American Idol's "Bikini Girl". If you caught the season finale this past Wednesday you will know who I am talking about. Bikini Girl, was back on Idol to sing again for Simon and Randy and to pick up one of there "silly awards" they always give out at the end of the season. Well, you probably noticed that the stage set was not the only "new" thing up there. It was extremely obvious that "Bikini Girl" went under the knife since the beginning of the season for breast augmentation. Ryan of course had to point it out on national television (which was hilarious by the way), but it didn't seem like she minded one bit and was VERY proud of the new additions. I thought they actually looked very nice on her frame....they didn't seem too big. She seemed pleased as punch, so that is the most important....AND to see Simon, Randy, and Ryans faces when she walked out.....PRICELESS!!!!! With a little digging I found some great before and after shots for you to enjoy! Have a great and safe holiday weekend!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Lisa Rinna: How She Gets "Rinnivated"

Lisa Rinna appeared on the Today show on Monday to promote her new book Rinnivation: Getting Your Best Life Ever. This book is apparently about how to reinvent yourself at any age. In a recent article in US Weekly Magazine, Lisa dishes about how she keeps her toned abs, wrinkle-free face, tan skin and luscious lips. She admits to getting medical-grade silicone injected in her lips 23 years ago. Since this procedure she says she has only had cortisone injected to soften the scar tissue. The article goes on to say that Lisa underwent breast augmentation in 2002 to restore her breast shape after giving birth to her two daughters. Her wrinkle-free face can be attributed to Botox injections, which she reportedly gets performed every four months. She states that she has sworn off dermal fillers after treatments in September of last year left her looking like a "pumpkin." As far as her toned abs, lean legs and slim physique; she attributes that to diet and exercise!

And you'll never guess her age......45!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Dr. Walden Helps NYC's Mentally Ill and Physically Disabled

May marks National Mental Health Month and to celebrate, philanthropic-minded New Yorkers will get together today, May 19, 2009, to raise money for Weston United's housing and support services for the mentally ill and physically disabled. As the economy faces hardships, federal funding has been cut for day to day mental health services and many are left without treatment, without counseling and full of uncertainness.

Weston United was founded in 1985 by Rev. M. Moran Weston PhD. along with distinguished leaders of Harlem Hospital and St. Philips Episcopal Church, the Harlem-based non-profit organization provides services to approximately over 1000 individuals in New York City and combats homelessness through 24 hr hosing services in four apartments buildings and rented apartments in Harlem, Washington Heights, and the Bronx along with employment programs and professional services for treatments for the mentally ill and physically disabled. (Source: Weston United Community Renewal, Inc.)

Our very own Dr. Jennifer Walden, plastic surgeon and board member of Weston United, will be co-host to this very worthwhile cause. She has been quoted as saying " Being stripped of housing and material things is one side of the spectrum, but being stripped of one's integrity is another. I am proud to be part of Weston United, because this non-profit not only provides housing, counseling, medical care, and employment, but it helps individuals regain their sense of self". Dr. Walden along with other supporters will raise funds amidst live music, hors d' oeuvres, and a silent auction in a social setting amongst those with the same common goal of helping NYC's mentally ill and physically disabled.

The event will take place at NICE Partners located at 168th Fifth Ave (between 21st and 22nd St), Suite 201 on Tuesday, May 19, 2009, 6:00 - 9:00 pm. A $25 minimum donation requested.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Plastic Surgery for Pretty Woman?

In the March 2009 issue of Allure magazine, Julia Roberts admits it�s not easy coming back into the spotlight as her most recent film Duplicity was hitting theaters.

She said: �Just when you think you�re getting your s**t together, someone says, �When is your baby due?� I had Henry on my hip, and it was like, �This is my baby.� It hurt my feelings so bad.

In photos out this May, Julia is seen with her family on vacation in Hawaii wearing nothing but a tiny bikini. We would never mistake her for pregnant in this getup but as the mother of three young children, we wonder if plastic surgery has aided her in achieving this wave-worthy look?

Side effects of traditional liposuction can look similar to the consequences of childbirth, such as a stretched or droopy looking belly button, making it difficult to determine whether she has had any work done. In addition, the private star has often covered up, even refusing to show skin in films, so it�s not easy to spot a change.

Plastic surgeon Dr. Sherrell J. Aston told MakeMeHeal, �I think Julia Roberts looks great in her bikini! She does not appear to have had any surgery either. Julia must have a balanced diet, exercise regimen and good genetics to look so great after 3 children. Keep up the good work!�

Make Me Heal�s Dr. John Di Saia weighs in, suggesting another procedure that may be benifical: �It is possible that she might have had some looking at these pics, but then again she might have just lost weight after pregnancy the old fashioned way. She might be a good tummy tuck candidate with all that loose skin. Liposuction at this point wouldn�t offer her much. It really doesn�t tighten anything.�

This classic beauty and middle-aged mom continues to impress us after all these years, and still looks fabulous doing it!

Friday, May 15, 2009

The new face of Latisse!

Sorry we have been so quiet this week....we were having some internet troubles in our we are back up and running! So, I was looking through a magazine this week and came across an add for Allergan's new revolutionary product Latisse. They have chosen the lovely Brooke Shields as the face of their new campaign. For those of you that have been under a rock lately, Latisse is the new "hot" item that promises longer and thicker eyelashes. This product is FDA approved and in most states can be purchased from your spa and/or plastic surgeon. Here in NYC you have to easily obtain a prescription from your doctor and have it filled at your local pharmacy. As you can see on the Latisse website the before and after pictures are really amazing, but patience will have to be your virtue because it takes a full 8-12 weeks to see maximum results. The process is easy and just a quick extra step in your evening face regimen. The Latisse system comes with the medicated drops and a months supply of sterile application brushes. After you clean your face at night, you apply one drop to the applicator brush (one brush for each eye) to each eyelid lash line. In 8-12 weeks you will have longer more lush eyelashes. Who wouldn't want that?? I know we have all seen these kind of products make promises in the past, but after you look at the clinical data and before and after pictures you will be sold. I have included some of Ms. Shields before and after photos as well! So go get some blackest black mascara and be ready to bat those lashes!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Crazy In Love-with plastic?

While reading Entertainment news I read about the stars that arrived at the annual Metropolitan Museum of Arts Costume Institute Gala. Various stars walked on the red carpet in New York this past Sunday. I viewed recent pictures of Beyonce Knowles, who showed up in a beautiful Pink Armani Prive dress which showed off her great curves. I feel that Beyonce tends to keep a natural look, and from these pictures she showed her natural beauty without going over the top with make-up and wearing such an elegant dress. Curious, I researched to see if she has had any plastic surgery in the past and I found that she is rumored to have nose surgery, lip reduction, and breast augmentation (source:stars). After seeing some old pictures of Beyonce, it does appear that her lips have become thinner. As far as her nose, I think it may look different to some people simply because of some great make-up she uses. On rumors regarding her possible breast implants, stars-plasticsurgery reported they, "think that she did, her breast size looks bigger in more recent pictures and in some of them you may notice something that looks very much like a scar in her armpit. Breast implants can be placed through the armpit, underneath the breast, and around the areola." Whether or not Beyonce has had work done, I still think she looks like a natural beauty-or at least appears to be. Beyonce has had success in music and is even acting in the new move, Obsessed which is currently out in theatres. Beyonce plays the wife of Idris Elba. Idris cheats on Beyonce, and we all know when someone cheats-no good can come of it! This movie is sure to make men fearful of cheating on their wives. Obsessed is currently ranked #3 of Fandango's top rated, a must see!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

First US Face Transplant Recipient Revealed

Connie Culp, the 46 year-old woman from Ohio who received the first US face transplant in December, revealed her new face on Tuesday at a Cleveland Clinic press conference. In 2004, she was shot by her husband, which left her without a palate, nose or lower eyelids. In the 22 hour surgery, a team of 11 surgeons transplanted nearly all of Culp's face.

As you can see from the image above, Culp was missing bone structure. She was unable to breath or eat without a tracheostomy tube, or a tube in her windwipe. After the surgery, Connie now has a fully functioning mouth and nose - she's even eating hamburgers and pizza! This has been said to be the most medically complex reconstructive surgery ever. Connie has more surgeries yet to come, but she has made drastic strides towards her recovery. Doctors says her spirits are high and her life has been changed dramatically for the better.

Friday, May 1, 2009

A Cover to Smile About!

On news stands today you can find People magazine's newest issue....People's 100 Most Beautiful issue. I don't know about you, but I always love to see who they pick. Some of their choices seem fairly obvious from year to year, but I have to say I was initially surprised when they revealed that Christina Applegate was their cover choice and the most Beautiful person of the year. Don't get me wrong I think she is beautiful, but usually their cover pick conveniently coincides with someone who is a real current "it" person in Hollywood. Yes, Ms. Applegate stars on the hit show "Samantha Who", but that show has been out a while and is not exciting news. I went over to to read the article that accompanies the cover and it was immediately obvious why they chose her to grace the cover. Christina is a breast cancer survivor. This past year Ms. Applegate underwent a double mastectomy in July followed by breast reconstruction this past November. This made me smile. Finally, someone acknowledged for a REAL triumph! I applaud her for her courage to speak out about this terrible disease and her desire to give hope to others that might be suffering the same diagnosis. I think sometimes we all need to see the proof of the light at the end of the tunnel. My other congratulations to People magazine for taking a chance and not only putting the next "pretty face" on the cover, but putting an important story behind it. Congrats to both!

Breast cancer is an important issue that affects women of all ages. Make sure to perform monthly self breast exams and communicate with your doctor if you find any changes. See the video below for Dr. Walden's breast cancer screening and awareness tips!!