She said: �Just when you think you�re getting your s**t together, someone says, �When is your baby due?� I had Henry on my hip, and it was like, �This is my baby.� It hurt my feelings so bad.
In photos out this May, Julia is seen with her family on vacation in Hawaii wearing nothing but a tiny bikini. We would never mistake her for pregnant in this getup but as the mother of three young children, we wonder if plastic surgery has aided her in achieving this wave-worthy look?

Side effects of traditional liposuction can look similar to the consequences of childbirth, such as a stretched or droopy looking belly button, making it difficult to determine whether she has had any work done. In addition, the private star has often covered up, even refusing to show skin in films, so it�s not easy to spot a change.
Plastic surgeon Dr. Sherrell J. Aston told MakeMeHeal, �I think Julia Roberts looks great in her bikini! She does not appear to have had any surgery either. Julia must have a balanced diet, exercise regimen and good genetics to look so great after 3 children. Keep up the good work!�
Make Me Heal�s Dr. John Di Saia weighs in, suggesting another procedure that may be benifical: �It is possible that she might have had some looking at these pics, but then again she might have just lost weight after pregnancy the old fashioned way. She might be a good tummy tuck candidate with all that loose skin. Liposuction at this point wouldn�t offer her much. It really doesn�t tighten anything.�
This classic beauty and middle-aged mom continues to impress us after all these years, and still looks fabulous doing it!
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