Sorry we have been so quiet this week....we were having some internet troubles in our office....now we are back up and running! So, I was looking through a magazine this week and came across an add for Allergan's new revolutionary product Latisse. They have chosen the lovely Brooke Shields as the face of their new campaign. For those of you that have been under a rock lately, Latisse is the new "hot" item that promises longer and thicker eyelashes. This product is FDA approved and in most states can be purchased from your spa and/or plastic surgeon. Here in NYC you have to easily obtain a prescription from your doctor and have it filled at your local pharmacy. As you can see on the Latisse website the before and after pictures are really amazing, but patience will have to be your virtue because it takes a full 8-12 weeks to see maximum results. The process is easy and just a quick extra step in your evening face regimen. The Latisse system comes with the medicated drops and a months supply of sterile application brushes. After you clean your face at night, you apply one drop to the applicator brush (one brush for each eye) to each eyelid lash line. In 8-12 weeks you will have longer more lush eyelashes. Who wouldn't want that?? I know we have all seen these kind of products make promises in the past, but after you look at the clinical data and before and after pictures you will be sold. I have included some of Ms. Shields before and after photos as well! So go get some blackest black mascara and be ready to bat those lashes!!!

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