Click here to read www.PopEater.com's article that Dr. Jennifer Walden contributed to about Heidi Montag's claims that she can not augment her breasts any further as per the law or read the full article below:
Heidi Montag has been tabloid fodder for years now and it doesn't seem like that's going to change any time soon. From her troubled friendship with Lauren Conrad on 'The Hills' to her over-the-top plastic surgery, the reality star has been able to keep the media spotlight on her at all times. Montag is once again in the news -- this time for claiming that further surgical enhancements to her body would be criminal.
Montag, who has discussed her "Jay Leno chin" in the past, took to the same host's show to discuss her cosmetic procedures. Despite past reports that she wanted to further enhance her appearance, Montag claimed that she was legally prohibited from having any more procedures.
Montag told the talk show host, "I legally can't right now. The limit is 800cc and I have 700cc... I think I've reached the point [where I can stop]. I think I'm good for awhile. I'm surgeried out."
However, according to Manhattan plastic surgeon Dr. Jennifer Walden, who has not treated Montag, this statement is not entirely correct.
She tells us, "There are two companies in the United States who are approved to create implants, and currently, the largest implant approved by the FDA in this country is 800cc. If someone wanted to go bigger than 800cc, they would have to go out of the country to have the surgery. What would be illegal is if her surgeon were to import those larger implants into the US and implant them into a patient, but we hope that Heidi has better judgment than to ask for that."
So, as for Heidi's dream of having size H implants? She may have to wait a while to make that a reality. Dr. Walden says, "The breast implant companies have tried to get larger implant sizes made, but they haven't yet been approved by the FDA. We'll just have to wait."
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