Monday, March 29, 2010

Website Spotlight: Basic Boutique

I have friends who blog, but I've never made friends before from blogging. Until recently that is. Yesterday I had the great delight to meet up for brunch with some blogger buddies. They're a great group of girls and I had a blast.

It just so happens that one of these lovely blogger friends I've made is also the owner of Basic Boutique. You might recognize the name from the shopping links on the side bar or some clothing options I've featured here. For an avid online shopper, it was a pretty fun meet up!

This is the lovely Andrea who created and runs Basic Boutique in addition to working a full time job. She's only 29. Isn't that crazy??

So I thought it made sense to do a little spotlight on Basic Boutique and give you some of my faves from the site. Happy shopping and check out Basic Boutique for yourself!

Vena Cava, $395

Velvet, $152

Velvet, $141

Ulla Johnson, was $275, sale $192.50 *

Myne, was $167, sale $83.50

Laila Azhar, was $385, sale $192.50
* EWP Fave

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