Thursday, November 18, 2010

A Royal Engagement

As y'all know, I love me a royal wedding. So the news of Prince William's engagement to Kate Middleton, after eight years of dating EIGHT YEARS!, left me in a complete state of glee and euphoria.

Though I will admit that 15 year old EWP was a little sad about it. She was pretty sure that she was going to marry Prince Wills.

But we took a look at Kate's gorgeous gorgeous hair and knew she deserved to be queen. Yes, a weird statement, but, y'all, her hair is gorgeous. Oh, and it's Catherine now. She's apparently dropping Kate. Queen Catherine does sound much better anyway.

And here's a question for all of you. Wills gave Kate his mother's engagement ring. Time for a reader poll: Is this gesture sweet (because he loves his late mother so) or totally creepy and a bad omen (considering how terrible that marriage turned out)? Does the ring have bad juju? I vote totally bad juju. And Foodiebia says it means he's cheap. It is a rather beautiful ring, though.

Also, can we discuss how, while this Issa London dress is gorgeous on her (God, I love that color), the dress pronounces the fact that this future queen really should eat something. Seriously, someone hand her a scone stat.

And now I officially declare it royal week on EWP. Time to look at royal weddings and Kate's fashions. And speculate on possible wedding dresses. So exciting!

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