Friday, November 12, 2010

Socks & Shoes

It seems everywhere I've looked lately - Sea of Shoes, magazines, sites, etc. - all I saw were socks with shoes.

I love fun socks.

I love shoes.

This is a trend I had to at least try.

Disclaimer: I am fully aware that socks and shoes is not exactly a law firm appropriate look and wouldn't recommend it, but I'm doing contract doc review on a floor that is inhabited by me and a bunch of crates, so I really could care less what I wore to work. So it seemed like the perfect time for a trend trial.

So here I am in my socks and heels glory:

I actually really liked it but may try a shorter sock instead of a knee sock next time. And, honestly, it'd look much better if not paired with a maternity dress. But, whatever, it was fun shakeup for my wardrobe.

And, yes, I did get weird looks from lots of people. The trend isn't exactly mainstream just yet. But I'm happy to be an early adopter. It's fun to experiment. But, as Foodiebia said, "Socks are for strangers." I.e. Not to be worn to dinner tonight with my husband's co-workers. I'll save my fashion-forwardness for another time.

What do you think of socks and shoes?

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