Thursday, November 17, 2011

Dress Like A Princess - L.K. Bennett London... In Chicago

On my wanderings today with BabyWP while we waited for our babymobile to get an oil change, I saw this:  L.K. Bennett London.  In Chicago.

If you're asking what's L.K. Bennett, then you're clearly not an avid royal watcher like myself.  If you were, you'd know that L.K. Bennett pumps were Catherine Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge's pump of choice.  Check out all the following appearance from this year.  Where she wore.... L.K. Bennett pumps.

 Until this year, L.K. Bennett did not exist in the U.S.  And, as I learned today, this particular Chicago store was the first in the country!  Chicago, first in fashion, first in my heart. 

Back to the pumps. 

So obviously I ran in and started drooling on all the princess-worthy pumps.  But as this was an impromptu visit, all I had was my very sad and very embarassing camera phone to take pictures with.  Sadness.
L.K. Bennett, £185.00 @ [Sorry, the site only has pounds and I didn't catch what it was in USD]

I knew that L.K. Bennett was a fabulous luxury designer, but what I wasn't prepared for was the, relatively, super reasonable pricing!
Their regular price pumps were all about $325.  And the sale shoes, like the ones below, were all about $200.  You could spend that on crappy, terrible shoes from Aldo!  But instead you get fabulous, luxurious, princess pumps.

Look familiar?  I think so.  They're Kate's shoes!
Buy them here

I clearly had to try on some Duchess-worn shoes myself.

I instantly knew why Kate is such a fan - they're gorgeous, classic, and oh so comfortable. I could have walked miles in them. Or stood for hours for a public appearance. You know, since I have a lot of those ;)  I may or may not have had to buy them.  I mean, how else can I snag Prince Harry if I don't dress like a princess?

Not only was the merch fabulous, the sales staff was so crazy nice.  They saw me clicking away with my phone and then helped me out and pulled pieces for me to picture for the site!
$375 @

£295.00 £175.00

Switching out the jackets for me. How fierce are her shoes? I almost bought them.

Heck, they even modeled stuff for me!! Now where else can you get service like that?

This jacket was lined in leather.  *swoon*  It was SO. HOT.  I wish I had my real camera to do the jacket justice.

And with that I left the very yummy L.K. Bennett.  But don't you worry, L.K., I'll be back very soon.

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