Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Don't: Flip Flops

There is no greater evil in the world than wearing flip flops around. Okay, maybe there are worse evils, but flip flops are still pretty bad. And wedge flip flops are THE WORST. OMG OMG Can we discuss how awful wedge flip flops are? People wear them thinking they look great and tall or something, but they look like New Jersey hooker moms or something. For serious.

If just aesthetic reasons aren't enough, how about some medical ones.

Flip flops are bad for your feet because they "offer little cushioning and no arch support, and they force their wearers into an unnatural, toe-gripping, foot-slapping gait." Wearing flip flops regularly can lead to chronic foot pain, heel calluses, and hammer toes. Gross! Gross! Gross! [Info from USA Today]

Now back to how they look, because, let's be honest, that's all that matters to me.

After racking and racking my brain, I have come up with the following list of occasions where flip flops may be worn:
1) To the pool/beach
2) In a public shower (e.g. at the gym)
3) To a pedicure
4) If you have somehow injured yourself and cannot bend over to put on shoes. Though I will say that as someone who recently threw out her back, I still didn't succumb to the flips, and instead had Mr. EWP put my shoes on and take them off for me. But if you do not have a Mr. EWP to do that for you, you can do flip flops.

Note that nowhere on the list does it say "to work" or "at a wedding." If you cannot handle wearing heels all night at a wedding, change into pretty flats, not flip flops. Nothing looks worse than a cocktail dress with rubber flip flops. And a beach wedding does not call for flip flops, but pretty sandals. Lastly, wearing flip flops with your work clothes is simply unacceptable. NO ONE will take you seriously in the workplace if you are wandering in and out with rubber flapping on your feet. (See: prior do post). Instead for your commuting needs, try a nice pair of sandals, ballet flats, or boots.

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