Thursday, October 6, 2011

EWP Review: Big Star

We've moved to a bit of a hipster paradise, so we've been making the rounds to all the hipstery places to eat.  The latest was Big Star, a taco joint that I've heard so much about.

Sadly, no one took the the time to warn me it was terrible.

It was absolutely packed on a random Tuesday night, which generally means good things, but the clientele could be summed up in two words: hipster douches. Sorry, but it's true.  The type of peopel who only care about where they think is cool to be, but not where actually has good food.  And, well, the food was definitely not good. The guac was bland, the chips ridiculously salty, and the tacos were just so sad and gross.  Literally the ONLY thing I liked that I had that night was my bottle of Mexican Coke.  Which I could have just got from my garage where I have a whole box of them that I picked up at Costco.  I would've rather eaten at Chipotle, where the guac and tacos are so much better and my meal would have cost only a 1/3 of what I paid at Big Star.

I give Big Star a very sad Goodwill rating of 0 stars.  But I'm sure the hipsters will still go there in droves, they like to buy things from Goodwill and be all ironic, whereas I'd rather buy something nice and nto be ironic about it.

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