American Idol is known almost as much for its contestant makeovers as it is turning virtual unknowns into overnight celebrities. Who can forget Clay Aiken first walking on stage as a nerdy kid from North Carolina only to end the season with millions of "Claymates" loving his edgier, revamped look. How about Carrie Underwood? Yes she was cute during her idol days, but not even close to the league she's in today with her size two figure and glam look. Not only have we grown accustom to watching the contestants style evolve throughout the season, but these makeovers are as anticipated and talked about as the finalists vocal progression . It wasn't until Kara joined the show though that have we seen such a transformation in one of the judges appearance. Simon hasn't changed a bit, Ryan may have gotten a new suit, and sure Randy had the big weight loss, but Kara has become noticeably more beautiful and confident since joining the show last season.
I'm sure part of it is that she no longer has to deal with the awkwardness of having Paula around. Those two together were a cat-fight waiting to happen! Paula's departure has allowed Kara to come in to her own as a judge and not only does she look great, but she seems to be having a lot more fun. She has clearly put a great deal of effort into her appearance this season and it shows. Her hair, makeup, wardrobe, and "anti-aging" regimen would get a "yeah dawg" from Randy any day of the week. When comparing recent pictures to older ones it seems as though she has had rhinoplasty and mostly likely Botox and filler. She appears to have had filler injected in multiple areas of her face, including her cheeks, which have more volume and definition than in the past. She looks great! All of her procedures have been done in a very natural fashion, enhancing her beauty how plastic surgery should.
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