Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Miami Moda

[If you want real Miami vacay pics, check out MTS. I'll have a bunch of vacay pics over the next few days. But, seeing as how this is EWP, I'm giving you clothing pics.]

I am a classic overpacker. There are just so many variations the trip may take and I have to be ready for every single one of them. And I've always been a big fan of the mid-day outfit change. So I ended up packing for this 5 day trip: 9 dresses and 6 pairs of shoes. And I didn't do so badly at actually wearing them - at the end I had not worn 3 of the dresses, and 2 dresses I just wore for 30 minutes each to give them a turn, and I didn't wear one pair of shoes. That actually might be a personal best for use of things I've packed...

Anyway, back to what I wore.

I had a perfectly cute tennis-watching outfit picked out for Thursday night, but our flight was delayed so it made more sense to go directly to tennis instead of first to the hotel to change. I was a little upset to go to tennis in my comfy flight clothes and not my cute tennis-watching clothes, but I survived.
Dress: Nordstrom, tank: Gap, shades: Ferragamo, earrings: Tiffany & Co., necklace: Heidi Klum, shoes: [not pictured] Tory Burch

There is no way I will ever give you a full on swimsuit pic, but here's a seated in coverup swimsuit shot from one of the days. This is all I will give you.
Coverup: Diane von Furstenberg (OMG, have I mentioned how much I love her coverups? Because I do. They're so cute!)

This was my fancy-shopping outfit, meaning the outfit wasn't fancy, but the shopping was. I sometimes give Mr. EWP a bunch of options to pick from for what I wear. I'm nice like that. And by nice I mean I think he finds it annoying as he mostly never cares what I wear, but for some odd reason he really really liked this dress and insisted I wear it. You will recognize it as Miami dress #1. I was leaning towards something designer as we were going to some pretty fancy stores, but Mr. EWP was all about this $45 Nordstrom dress (that's regular price, folks. Not sale), so I wore it. Just shows it doesn't have to be fancy for the fellas to find it pretty. And luckily no one threw me out of their stores.
Dress: Nordstrom, shoes: Marni, bag: Kate Spade

This is Miami dress #2 that I bought for the trip. It was short and sassy and I thought it'd be fun for Miami. I wore it, wait for it... to watch the Final Four at a bar. Yup, nothing says basketball watching like a short dress, elephant necklace (Mr. EWP's fave necklace) and 6 inch heels.
Dress: Nordstrom, earrings and necklace: Forever 21, shoes: Prada

While I was, per usual, ready to wear all dresses all the time, I realized that maybe a dress on an airboat was not the best idea. Didn't want to distract people from watching gators by having them watch my skirt fly up. So I had to dig out some non-dress items to wear (seriously mean dig out, the shorts were lodged under a bunch of clothes in a storage bin under the guest bed).
Top: Ann Taylor, shorts: (not pictured) Nordstrom, sandals: (not pictured) Aerosoles, handbag: To be made from this gator ;)

No pictures of our dinner out to BLT Steak because Mr. EWP dies a little inside each time I snap a pic in a restaurant. So I'll just tell you I wore this DvF dress.

Coming up next: details of my trip to the fanciest shopping mall I have ever been to!

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