Friday, April 16, 2010

profiling an etsy shop...

It's Mine!

So yay, I decided to go ahead and open an etsy shop. NOT because I have plans to become a rich and famous frame and apron salesman, but because I want to make new stuff.

I can't really rationalize getting a bunch of new art supplies and crafting unless I have room in my apartment for said crafts. So the easy answer is saying a bittersweet goodbye to my current art.

Here are just a few of the cute things I'm putting up in my shop.

Button frames:Chandelier painting on canvas:Line art on wood:Custom painting on canvas:
This painting is special to me because it's actually inspired by a real new year's kiss with my boyfriend

So because I love making paintings that are inspired by pictures, I am going to sell a "custom painting" where you can submit a photo and I will put it on canvas (as above).

Happy Saturday!

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